

Karica, usually when referred to geographically, the land of scarlet woods, is known for its slightly colder climate than the rest of the world and its almost perpetually autumn woods. The land is mostly covered in these denser woods yet there exist rivers and groves across the land. The reasoning for this may be due to the fact that Lady Livingston rests in the center of the woods, blanketing the country in nature and druidic magic.


The ecosystem in Karica usually remains stagnant, both due to the scarcely changing seasons and the natural magic at play. The animals that usually hunt within the woods are your colder climate predators and prey, deer and moose along with bears and wolves. Kitsune or "fox people" also reside within Karica more than other places in the world.

Localized Phenomena

Karica's deeper forests are known for their living plants, indestinguishable from regular plants until they inhabit a body, whether it's human or animal, these living plants are not outwardly hostile, but instead a living manifestation of Karica's forests. They puppeteer the bodies like vessels to wander the woods and protect it from those who would harm the woods, and provide protection to those who live along with nature.


The climate within the country is usually chillier, the seasons usually remaining in autumn or winter when the temperatures really drop. While being chillier, the temperatures can rise during parts of the year becoming balmy and lukewarm, yet with colder winds.

Natural Resources

Karica is known for its heavy supply of exported lumber, along with it being the worlds sole producer of apples and syrup due to the trees exclusively growing in Karica. Northern Karica on the border of Tuya has a thriving mining economy as well, trading various gems and being one of the worlds larger suppliers of Dawnsilver due to the unique makeup of lead ore within the mountains.
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