Livingston Village

A lone, decrepit village in the heart of Karica's woods close to the heart of Lady Livingston, the goddess of nature. Despite the buildings being run down and overrun by plants, there are still residents.


The village itself is built within a large, thriving grove of twisting plants and lush trees. The woods themselves are denser than anywhere else in Karica and most places in the world.

Alongside this, a few rivers run through the landscape and culminate in a large lake near the heart. Vines protrude from the heart and wriggle into the landscape.


The ecosystem is incredibly lively, countless of the forest animals coalescing in the area along with some of the shadow animals and undead bleeding over from the neighbouring Shade Hills. In addition to the animals, the plants themselves are often found animated and living due to the large wellspring of magic that lingers in the area.

Localized Phenomena

The animated plants provide the local area an almost natural defense, animated the fallen armor, bodies and animals in the woods to use as defense against anybody that may provide hostile to the land, then utilizing the attackers body like the others. These curious plants are usually docile, however, ignoring those wandering through the woods, living off the land naturally or camping and exclusively attacking those who would outright harm the flow of nature.

Fauna & Flora

Alongside the standard animals that would roam most woods, the deep woods of Karica's heart is home to some of the largest moose in the country, alongside giant beavers. These animals paired with the living flora and the shadows bleeding into the forest provides one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world.

Though diverse, the amount of predators would also prove dangerous to adventurers, urging most to seek out one of the ruined houses to stay in as opposed to a camp if they need to be there for a night.

Natural Resources

Alongside the enchanted wood due to the proximity to the heart, the outskirts of the area do provide some unique, strengthened wood named Wightwood,


The areas history is largely shrouded in mystery, having no direct written or even verbal history, but within the last few years it has become a quiet refuge of a select few people.


Most people visit the area in hopes of knowledge and study due to the presence of the alchemist, Wander, residing in the lost villages, along with a necromancer, Calvin Kirk. Otherwise, the area is just prone to passerbys and adventurers.
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Aug 14, 2024 03:23 by Lady Wynter

I like the description of the forest and the unique phenomena of it. But with the title I was expecting and wanting more about the village.

Bringing the Light