Rot Eaters

Large, bug-like creatures that nest in areas of great rot, decay and death, acting as natural janitors to these areas and cleaning up those who may fall and die within them.

Basic Information


Rot Eaters are large bug-like critters that are segmented almost like a giant centipede, the house many legs for the purpose of climbing all over their feeding grounds and have a hardened, rough carapace.

Biological Traits

Rot Eaters have a hardened, shadowy carapace that feels almost like sandpaper, potentially tracing their heritage back to the Shadow Plane. Alongside this carapace, their many legs make for swift movement through their feeding grounds to avoid potential predators.

Genetics and Reproduction

Rot Eaters reproduce asexually, though in a strange way, as when one Rot Eater eats enough to the point it is slow when it moves due to how much it has consumed, it finds a safe place to create its nest where it will curl up and pass away. After it passes and a week goes by, an egg will begin to form within the curls and hatch several new baby Rot Eaters.

Growth Rate & Stages

Rot Eaters start off incredibly small, simply resembling a darkened giant centipede, though they take some time to grow into the 7 foot long length that the adults are, taking upwards of ten years to achieve full growth.

Ecology and Habitats

Rot Eaters exclusively live in areas of great death, whether its a war torn area, a region with an undead issue or simply a section of a city where a serial killer resides, Rot Eaters manage to find their way to any suitable feeding ground.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Rot Eaters feast on the decay of the lands they live in, specifically waiting for corpses to begin rotting to eat them in order to satiate their dietary needs. This is why they are most often found within lands of undeath, as all the undead prove immediately ripe for them.

Additional Information


Some wizards have grown to domesticate Rot Eaters, keeping terrariums full of them to use as disposal. Rot Eaters, along with the mold colonies known as Magic Sponges, have proven to be very apt cleaners when able to be domesticated.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Rot Eaters can be found all over the world, even in areas where they were not initially present should a great war or famine break out leading to death, causing people to believe Rot Eaters are strange bugs in fact born from the decay.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Rot Eaters do not have eyes, but instead feel the area out through their keen sense of smell and their sensors on their face, allowing for a form of echolocation to traverse the lands.
Average Length
2.1m fully grown


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