De~yuarusutōmukatana: Naku Yoake Item in Old Canon | World Anvil

De~yuarusutōmukatana: Naku Yoake

The De~yuarusutōmukatana was a set of two Katanas made by Tentō Yagi. Both weapons were made with incredible care and used by Yagi before his death and the disappearance of this weapon forever.

Mechanics & Inner Workings


  • Until Death & After: Once this Saber's Wielder dies, the Saber will follow it into the next life until their very soul ceases to exist or a new Wielder is chosen.


Naku Yoake was crafted by Tentō Yagi in his early years and was his crowning acheivement as a Samurai.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


4 Lbs.

Creative Sources

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