Saber Item in Old Canon | World Anvil

Saber (Say-Bur)

Weapon & Advanced Nullifier Device

Created by Crawford, Khali

Cursed & Blessed Weapons

Cursed & Blessed weapons are Stasabers which have not only been dipped in the pure cosmic goop of Radiance/ Darkness but also contain some power or power Enchantment which cannot be removed or altered. Cursed Demon Swords are Starsabers that have been touched by the Darkness and contain a "Curse". A Curse is a Condition or Effect placed on a Weapon, Place, or Person by the Darkness, rendering any and all types of Magic useless in removing or altering it. This is because the Pure Darkness has no equal, save for the pure Radiance. Blessed Angel Tools are the inverse, Starsabers which have been touched by the Radiance and contain a "Blessing". Blessings act in the same manner as Curses.   Blessed & Cursed Starsabers are different from Black & White Blades; While both a Blessed & White Starsaber can kill a Demon for good, Blessed retain their Demon-Killing Power 100% of the time whereas White Blades will need their SpellCore activated. Additionally, any shmuck can be born under the right star and just happen to have the ability to forge a White Blade, but Blessed & Cursed Starsabers can only be made by a genuine being of the Radiance or Darkness respectively.

Sabers by Crawford, Khali

Mechanics & Inner Workings

A W.A.N.D is a weapon or item constructed from Magical Ores with the purpose of striking down foes, Angel, or Daemons alike. At the center of a W.A.N.D is a Majyn Gem, a special crystal which once imbued with a Mage's Magical energy will yield a brilliant blade for which Magic can be performed. W.A.N.Ds are usually in the form of sword hilts and the size and strength of the W.A.N.D are directly dependent on the Mage's own Magical Energy, Level of Understanding, and power. As one should know, Daemons can only be killed with the Light and Angels can only be killed with the Darkness. And since Magic is made up of both of these, a W.A.N.D can be used to kill them, with certain circumstances. To kill a Daemon, for example, one must intentionally unbalance themselves, corrupting their W.A.N.D with the Light to slay the beast and vice versa for Angels.    The only exception to this rule is Rainbow Diamond W.A.N.Ds which can kill any creature without a Change of State. 

Manufacturing process

To Forge A Star-Saber

A Star-Saber is a relic from an old war, employed by the Knights of the Iron Order, stoic guardians of the Universe & the Sacred Seals. Sabers are the pinnacle of Magical Energy and Advanced Technology combined as one. In the hands of a master, they are a formidable weapon.
There are two critical components to a Saber; Which Ore you use to craft it & its SpellCore. First, the former, Magical Ores. All known Metals can be classified as the following;
  • Amplifier -- Ores which boost Magical Energy
  • Conductor -- Ores which allow Magical Energy to freely flow through it
  • Nullifier -- Ores which stifle the flow of Magical Energy
Knowing which Ores to make your Saber out of is crucial, if you fail to understand what you are building with you may make a Saber out of Nullifier Ore, like Kree Stone, which is borderline useless in magical application. Inversely, one made entirely from Amplifier Ore, like Distur Stone, may not be suitable for Knights who cannot properly control their own Magical Energy yet. Ideally, you will want to mix Ores of your choosing to reach a desirable outcome.   Secondly, is the SpellCore. The 5th Dimension is Magic, by reaching into it and extracting a ball of Pure Magical Energy one can use it to add unheard of magical properties to their Saber. Usually, this means things like an Elemental Enchantment or other arcane power, but, once tempered by a Magical Fire (ie, Dragon's Breath, Divine Hearth, Heat of Creation) it has the chance to turn into convert into a Black or White Saber depending on the Knight in question.   A Black Saber is a weapon that has had it's SpellCore tempered by magical fire and turned Black. Technically this is your SpellCore becoming corrupted with the Darkness (Antimatter), and is poison to beings of the Raidiance, able to permanently kill them. Inversely you can temper a SpellCore to make it a White Blade, purifying it with the Raidaince () and allows for the decimiation of beings of the Darkness.   Tempering a Saber will always bind the SpellCore to the Saber but only select Knights can forge a White/ Black Saber as it is a rare ability, one that cannot be taught. However, even greater than these is the fabeled Rainbow Diamond Saber, a SpellCore which has been touched by the SOURCE, where all of Creation once spawed from. These Sabers are feared because they can cut down any beings in their path, be they God, Demon, or Mortal.
  • Before construction even begins, the Forgemaster in question will go out into the Universe and collect the Ingot (An ingot is a piece of relatively pure material, usually metal, that is cast into a shape suitable for further processing. In steelmaking, it is the first step among semi-finished casting products) of the Ores they wish to craft their Saber out of. Ideally, the Forgemaster will want 1-2 Amplifier Ores and a strong Conductor Ore to stabilize the flow on energy.
  • The Forgemaster will create a mold for their Saber and then melt down their Ingot to fit the mold. It is important that the shape and dimensions of the mold are accurate down to the inch for the best weapon and is double checked by a SuperComputer before continuing.
  • Once fit into the mold, the weapon will be repedeatly heated up and beat into a finer shape by the Forgemaster, Quenching (In materials science, quenching is the rapid cooling of a workpiece in water, oil or air to obtain certain material properties.) it after heating it up. Shaping the Saber is a long and tedious process but one that demands the utmost care and attention to detail, failure can ruin the shape or crack the material.
  • Next, the Forgemaster will use an Eye of Merlyn to peer into the 5th Dimension and grab a small speck of the Infintite Magical goop there. This is raw Pure magic, free of Mortal, Divine, or Demonic meddling. It will become the SpellCore for the Saber and housed in a special chamber which can make use of it's primordial energies. The Chamber is usually slightly smaller than the Saber Grip and can fit snugly inside once finished.
  • The Forgemaster will then engrave Runes on the Saber's blade, these are powerful Enchantments that cannot be removed once placed. If a certain Enchantment is requested the Forgemaster will engrave it but otherwise it is up to them which one's to use.
  • And now, with the Saber and the raw SpellCore, the Forgemaster approaches an Esoteric Flame, a magical fire which has special or mysterious properties. This is the most crucial part, the joining of the SpellCore and Saber, it needs to be done just right else the weapon will be ruined and all this work will have been for naught. Many Forgemasters can train for years before they ever successfully join the two, doing so is the mark of true understanding of Magic and yourself.
  • The Forgemaster emerges from the Esoteric Flame, with their booty in hand, a finished Saber! Almost finished Saber, to make full use of the weapon and gain access to it's SpellCore powers, it needs to be named by the Forgemaster who cast it. An unnamed Saber is a useless Saber. And, depending on which type of Forgemaster crafted it, the Saber will have a Regular, White, or Black SpellCore.
  • Finally, the Saber is paired with it's scabbard, and stored in the Iron Armory until the day it is chosen by a lucky Iron Lord, or Lady.


  • Weapon & 
  • Advanced 
  • Nullifier
  • Device


Sabers are the trademark weapon of the Iron Order, although other Organizations such as The White Lotus & the Future War Empire make use of them as well. A Saber is the mark of a Squire graduating to Knighthood and their ability to properly wield Magic in the name of the Iron King. 

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Item type
Weapon, Other
Raw materials & Components
Certain materials affect your Magical Energy in certain ways, broken into three categories; Nullifiers, Conductors, and Amplifies. Nullifiers diminish the power of Magic and weaken or sometimes disburse Magic entirely. The most known Nullifier Ore is Cree Stone, which reduces Magic down to nigh zero, cuffs made from pure Cree Stone can stop you from using any Magic at all. Conductors are the midpoint and can channel Magic normally, almost every other material that is not of the other two categories is a Conductor, they are the most abundant. Amplifiers are materials that boost or amplify Magical Energy that is channeled through them, having the opposite effect of a Nullifier.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

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