Tentō Yagi Character in Old Canon | World Anvil

Tentō Yagi

"So, that's how it is, brothers? You would turn your blades on me finally, I always knew it was coming, yet hoped for your senses to return. Oh well, I suppose it's useless to beg so grant this dying mans last wish; leave my daughter be!"

Created by K. A. Crawford

The Samurai of Lighting

Physical Description

Special abilities

The Lighting Elemental Tome

The LET was powerful Zenkai passed down through great lines, it allows for great control of the Lighting element, allowing one to move with great speeds and have greater reflexes. The sword style Erekutori Ken Shikata was specifically created to be used with this power in addition to a third blade. However, Yagi made use of the Ni Ken Sutairu which only called for the employment of two swords. 
Yagi had learned the secrets of the Four States from an Iron Lady by the name Olivia Jones, which made him a force to be reckoned with. Yagi was extremely skilled in the Sorcery of Divination, which involved discovering information through supernatural means. Yago had a gift for it and was able to predict his enemy's next movement, this combined with his lighting fast reflexes and speed allowed him to dismiss any foes who tried to test their mettle. 

Specialized Equipment

  • The Minzikaze
  • The Naku Yoake
These are the two blades used by Yagi, each one forged by his hand in his youth when he trained under his stoic father Tento Tanaka. 

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Yagi was the firstborn son of Tanaka Tentō, a famous Samurai on EARTH, one who was globally known and respected for his power and skill. He had three sons to succeed him but only thought of Yagi as his most promising, with Osada and Fujita Tentō being seen as cowardly rats. As such Yagi was raised from childhood to be a noble and just warrior, one who sought to bring his family to new heights and stand as an example of what modern Samurai should be.    Yagi, unfortunately, was not free to choose whom he loved, contracted to marry another high-ranking family. He married the sadistic Kaori Mochizuki, a woman who shared a similar mindset to Osada and Fujita and did not truly care for Yagi. He was miserable in his marriage and miserable among his own family members, but in this world of darkness, only one thing could make him smile, his newborn daughter Tentō Chijimatsu, the one thing he cherished from Mochizuki.    Yagi raised Chijimatsu better than he was, she loved the art of the sword but he never forced it upon her. She shared his ideals and aspired to be just like him when she grew up. Yagi always said his family never gave him anything but tragedy and headache, until Chijimatsu was born and he learned how to smile and be happy again through her.    But, soon, Yagi's enemy caught up with him but the final blow came from within. On the night enemies came to take his life, Yagi defeated them but it was his own brothers Osada and Fujita who dealt the killing blow. In his dying breath Yagi demanded his daughter be left alone, she is but a child. 

Failures & Embarrassments

Yagi's greatest failure was failing to protect his daughter, Chijimatsu. He was killed by his older brothers Osada and Fujita, and although he made them swear to spare Chijimatsu, he had no guarantee they would respect his wishes. And furthermore, he felt like his reliance on the old ways and teaching them to Chijimatsu doomed her to follow in his own foolish footsteps.

Mental Trauma

Yagi was obviously unhappy in his arranged marriage to Kaori Mochizuki, one made for political gain and not love. Mochizuki was verbally abusive and did not truly care for Yagi in any way. This in combination with the street from running the family made Yagi depressed for a number of years before his daughter's birth. He felt entirely alone in the galaxy and trapped on Earth, surrounded by enemies.


Tentō Yagi

spouse (Important)

Towards Kaori Mochizuki



Kaori Mochizuki

spouse (Trivial)

Towards Tentō Yagi



Relationship Reasoning

Mochizuki and Yagi were only ever married to join the Tento & Kaori Clans together. Yagi, however, still sought to find some form of love in his new wife but Mochizuki was unwilling to truly be with an idealist such as Yagi. His dreams of a return to the Old Ways of Samurai are flawed and would be his own downfall.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Head of the Tenot Clan
  • Master of the Two Sword Style
Circumstances of Death
Slain by his brothers Osada & Fujita
Earth located in the Origin System
Kaori Mochizuki (spouse)
Current Residence
City of the Dead
Green Dull
Short Black & Neat
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White/ Cream
145 Lbs.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS