Fortress of 3 Suns

"Home sweet home. I can never sleep easy at night unless I can feel the hum of the Fortress's engines." Sobizel

Created by Khali Crawford
Although not built for direct combat, after some heavy modifications from Sobizel Pandora, the Fortress now sports 360-Rotation Heavy Turbo Cannons lining the entire vessel. They have great range & destructive power but are quite expensive to maintain and refuel so they are only ever used if the Outriders are in a tight spot or if they are absolutely forced to do so. In addition, it also has a number of other offensive and defensive capabilities installed.

Purpose / Function

The 3 Suns Fortress is a Flying Fortress, a type of battle-oriented orbital space station employed mainly by the Iron Order to serve as a base of operations and long-term living quarters for Chapters of Knights. They are classified as Scout, Vanguard, and Titan in reference to their size and battle capacity. This Fortress is closer in size to a Vanguard with some limited weapons and functions that mark it as a Scout.   It can easily house well over 30+ Knights and still carry 100+ passengers, most Fortress can. However, because Knight Chapters are usually small, most of the space is converted to more purposeful rooms. It has everything a Knight would need to launch missions and carry out the Will of the Summum Regem.


The Fortress is made up of one large middle section where the primary engine and ship functions lay with a large main hall and tower above it. Surrounding it is four secondary engines each with great towers on them as well connected with slanted roofs and stone bridges. 


When the Fortress was repaired and upgraded by the Dwarf people of the Forever Star, its size was increased to be closer to that of a Vanguard as well as a healthy amount of offensive & defensive weapons & armaments. Additionally, a number of new rooms and expansions were made, most notably a vast garden in the center of the Fortress housing the last Kanipuku Tree and a full-sized Foundry.


Gothic Revival architecture is the design of this Fortress. Its rounded ceilings depict memorials of the Chapter's various exploits and the story of their adventures. Rugged wood laces the floor panels with tall dark stone walls broken up by power cords snaking their way through the base. Torch-styled lights guide the way down arched corridors lined with suits of armor and other artifacts from past quests. 

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


New York is the Computer Mind for the Fortress of 3 Suns, salvaged from the wreck of an ancient Qui space experiment. New York is the MotherMind for serval smaller AI SuperComputers which are used to manage serval of the other Starships and vessels the Starside Outriders operate. The Five smaller AI are; Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queen, and Staten. They are also capable of creating smaller AI as well such as Bronx.01 or Manhattan.08.
Alternative Names
The Base | 3 Suns Fortress | Suns Base
Orbital, Station
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS