Iron Knight Standard Issue Armor & Equipment

Standard Issue Armor
For Knights of the Iron Banner, Standard issue Armor (SIA) is comprised of two main parts, Chain Mial & Armor Plates. The Chain Mail was made from thousands of Inkadian Wrap and was worn under the armor. It was relatively lightweight (only 15 lbs.) and while it provided some basic protection, its primary function was temperature control and vital monitoring. It was able to keep you warm whilst in the arctic and cold whilst in a desert. It could also monitor vital signs and dispense medicine. It stuck to the body like a glove and was vacuum sealed.
The Armor Plates were (typically) made from Arthurian Steel, a rigid plastoid material that was naturally white but could be changed post-construction. The armor was nothing special, it was fairly dense and provided great defense against attacks but it excelled at protecting the Knight's Body, Mind, and Spirit, repelling mental advances and most spiritual manipulation. On the chest plate, one could normally find a control pad of sorts which could be used to perform a number of functions such as emergency exit or evaluation. This is only used in emergency cases where a Knight is unresponsive or in the event of the Armor's Computer malfunctioning. 
Most Knight Helmets have a Heads Up Display (HUD) capable of radio communications and suit operations via verbal commands.
Once a Knight joins a Cha[ter, they will typically wear that Chapter's Mark on the armor in the form of ribbons, cloaks, or robes.
Standard Issue Equipment
Knights are free to carry any weapons or items they deem fit but there are a few Order-wide that all carry, or should carry. Outside of a Starsaber, all Knights carry a SI P11-90 nicknamed a "Pixie Dart". It is a small handheld energy-based blaster no bigger than a pistol, hence its name. It fires single burst rounds with high precision and power, with an impressive battery charge to boot. Despite this, most Knights don't recognize it for its great usability and often dismiss it in combat. Additionally, most knights carry two or three extra battery packs for the blaster in the event one corridos or overheats. The Pixie Dart is carried on a Knight's offhand side (Left side for a Right-handed Knight, etc.) in a holster, and the battery packs are carried in dedicated pouches on the waist in the front.
Next is the Hostile Stranded Emergency Survival Kit (HSESK), a square container also made from Arthurian Steel carried on the lower back of the waist. It contains (1) ESK - Short Sword which extends from a long handle that can double as a GPS, (1) ESK - Energy Shield, a wrist-mounted device that produces a medium-sized energy shield when a fist is squeezed with a 124-hour battery life that depletes faster the more it is used, (1)  ESK - Recovery Grimoire containing fully loaded Spells for healing and energy recovery, (1) ESK - First Aid Station, and Emergency Rations.
Stored below the HSESK is the Save My Ass (SMA) Communications Beacon. It is a short baton-sized item that acts as the suit black box, recording & documenting everything the Knight does as well as sending out a distress signal once activated. The SMA is extremely useful when trying to uncover the details of a Knight's death or disappearance.


Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Item type
Est. 54 Lbs.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS