The Blackstone Hammer Forge

The Blackstone Hammer Forge, those cursed and demented engineers shunned by the Sons of Ivaldi.

Created by Khali Crawford | Cover made with Bannersnack


The Three Clans

The Forge is split into 3 Clans, each one responsible for a different craft; The Shipwrights are those who are skilled in the designing and manufacturing of Starships, from small sippers to massive Dreadnaughts. The Blacksmiths are the most ancient art and skilled in making all manner of weapons, tools, or items, Majikal or not. And finally are the Draftsmen whose craft is that of structures, buildings, forts, and castles, a humble but fundamental art.   Each clan is led by a council of Master Smiths who direct their body. And from these three Councils, three Master Smiths are chosen to speak for the whole of the Forge when in matters concerning The Starguard.


  • Vatkins, The Black Forge
VATKINS is a planet that went through a cosmic storm that turned it into a massive lump of black marble, which was later colonized by Alfdis Holmstæinsson who turned it into a planet-sized Forge and is the Seat of Power for the Blackstone Hammer Forge. Many of the most destructive and incredible weapons ever were birthed here.
  • Håndverk, The World Forge
Håndverk is an artificial dimension made by the forge, used to literally craft new planets, stars, and other massive projects that vatkins cannot contain. It is roughly half a star system in size and is the most protected location under the Forge's control as it also serves as the home for many of the builders who work here.
  • The Armory of Barsmiðgarðr
Barsmiðgarðr is another micro-realm found by the Forge and converted into a massive weapons vault. It is where they dump all their created weapons and tools, from swords and bows to world-eating bombs and ionic disruptors. It is heavily guarded by the Forge as well as the Knights of the Round Table who just so happen to love weapons of any kind.


Cast Out

Back at the start of The Great War ╬, the Sons of Ivaldi were called on to provide weapons for a number of the Radiant Legions by Rādius, Lord of Radiance & King of the Gods, himself. The Forge desired a good relationship with the Celestial God and eagerly agreed, promised a place among his pantheon upon his victory. However, one Clan refused to be a part of this nonsense, the Holmstæinssons. It didn't take long for its eldest son, Thormothr, to see what their weapons and tools of war did to innocent star systems, the death and despair they wrought. Thormothr refused to be an instrument of war, offending Lord Rādius, causing Thormothr to be exiled from the Sons of Ivaldi altogether. 

A Better Way

A few thousand years into the War, old man Thormothr began to regret his actions. Ever since being exiled he had sworn off forging and traveled the cosmos as a salesman but found himself among refugee ships more and more. Fearing what would become of himself and those caught up in this War, Thormothr resolved to make his own Forge, one that would supply folks with the weapons needed to survive in such a terrible Universe ravaged by war and death. 

The Forge is Born

Thormothr's daughter, Alfdis Holmstæinsson, took her father's methods even further, not simply crafting weapons, but ships and entire worlds to replace those ravaged by the war. But her greatest achievement was Vatkins, a planet made from black marble dedicated to crafting and building. And it was from Vatkins that Alfdis forged Kadllin, a black hammer which was infused with the Darkness but could temper the Radiance, allowing for the creation of Cursed or Blessed weapons. It was this that earned this forge the name "Blackstone Hammer", originally meant as an insult to shame them, worn as a badge of honor.



While the Blackstone Hammer Forge could call on the Starguard and the Knights of the Round Table for military matters, they also employed their own armed forces. Berserkers were Golem's comprised of the highest design and quality, engineered to be resistant to Majik and unstoppable in their charge. They varied in size from smaller imp-ish designs to massive titans. They operated with an AI mind granted a certain degree of freedom and creativity. They are dnagerou warriors and a wiser man would work to avoid crossing them.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


"ᚹᛖᛚᛚ ᚹᛖᚱᛊᛖᛞ ᛁᚾ ᚹᚨᚱ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚲᚱᚨᚠᛏ" -- Well Versed in War and Craft

Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
The Forge | The Black Hammer | The Hammer
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

Eagerly Patient

The Round Table has a special place in its heart for sophisticated weapons and quality craftsmanship. As such they love the Forge and all the interesting and dangerous tools they can create, as well as ships and stations. The Forge has little patience for the Round Table who are the most likely to have Starships returned in pieces or not at all, the same can be said for weapons that just "disappear" from the Armory.