Knights of the Round Table

"Stand your ground Brothers ... Our Ancestors are watching us ... Let us make them proud!"

Created & Written by Khali A. Crawford | Flag made with Armoria | Banner made with Bannersnack| 9 Knightly Virtues written by RedFrost Motivation -- King Arthur: 9 Virtues of the Medieval Knights |

Knights of the Round Table

~ Camelot's Finest ~
The Round Table is an old Order of Knights, dating back even before The Great War ╬, making them the oldest Order within the Starguard. They have battled the Forces of Chaos longer than most species have walked and have weathered all storms. Founded by Uther Pendragon, the Knights of this Order is a warrior cast and strictly follow the Daichin-Lex, "Warrior Law", it is their Oath Eternal and is their way of life.


The Round Table is led by a Guardian holding the rank of Ⅴ. Grand Cross , advised by their close Council and their own Chapter to command.   A Chapter of Guardians is led by a Chapter Head, composed of two or more smaller teams called Divisions, and each Division is led by a Division Captain.  
  • Stationary Chapters are Guardians who are assigned to a world, system, sector, or even a realm, and are supposed to maintain it on behalf of the Starguard. They are usually the larger Chapters, with upwards of 12+ Division Captains.
  • Vanguard Chapters are Guardians who operate out of massive mobile fortresses or Starships and are actively dispatched to conflicts within the Cosmos to enact the will of the Starguard. They are smaller, usually only having 3-4 Division Captains.


  • Planet MountainThe Fungnar Region located in the Alcyoneus 530 Galaxy
MOUNTAIN is an inhospitable world that the Round Table uses to train new recruits before allowing them into their Sacred order. Each and every Knight of the Round Table have all been Knighted on MOUNTAIN, as is tradition. The Stone-Fall Knights are permanently stationed on MOUNTAIN and remain hidden, ensuring young Squires are not seriously wounded or killed. Only 7 Squires in recorded history have ever actually been killed on MOUNTAIN thanks to the Stone-Fall Knights' work.
  • Planet 100, The Myzan Expanse, located in the Jelly-Fish Galaxy
100 was a nameless world that joined the ranks of the Starguard, protected by a small fleet of Knights. It earned its name after Wihakayda V of the Kaptonians tried to conquer it but failed, defeated by a mere 100 brave and courageous Knights. As such, Knights recruited from 100 are very robust and determined. The Centum Knights are stationed here, and guard it with their last breath, ensuring citizens never see war or destruction.
  • Planet Last Hope, The Klinroid Whatdaleko Cluster, located in the Alcyoneus 530 Galaxy
LAST HOPE is a world that sits at a crucial junction in space, one where virtually no other Starguardian worlds can be found. As such it is a safe haven for wayward or lost Knights who ventured far and wide. It is kept by the Blue Shield Knights, who defend this outpost against Imperial Legions, Bandits & Marauders, and any foe who should find themselves so brave, or foolish.
  • Planet FallThe Proes Quadrant, located in the Jelly-Fish Galaxy
FALL is a massive graveyard world dedicated to honoring the fallen Knights of the Starguard. Graves to every single Knight, regardless of glory or rank, can be found here. FALL earned its name as the place where a great Knight, Valtorious, was defeated. The Valtorian Knights are the Gravekeepers of FALL, ensuring the dead are not disturbed and their tombs looted.

The Armada of the Round Table

The Round Table has a large armada filled with countless vessels and battle stations. Among its ranks are three Dreadnaught Class Starships, The Will of the Western Dragon, Of Monsters & Men, and Her Lady Righteous. The armada is split into various fleets and dispatched across the cosmos, rarely ever amassed in one place.


Uther, The Dragon Queen

During the Dawn of Man, the colonized planet of Britania was home to a race of Human-like beings, the Britanians. This world had been touched by Chaos and through the efforts of the Mage known as Gorlois le Fay, a massive army of Chaos Daemons invaded the Realm. The Britanians were a proud warrior people and stamped the Daemons out before sealing the tear in reality. Le Fay, however, was infected with a sort of madness and was killed by his wife, Uther, after he tried to kill their newborn daughter, Elaine.   After this event, Uther underwent a fierce civil war on Britania to unite its people together as one against the Forces of Chaos. She reformed her kingdom and selected 20 warriors to serve as her best, forming the Round Table. The threat Chaos presented was not yet over as other Chaos Mages would re-emerge years later, seeking to bring down Britania and re-open the tear in reality for their Chaos Gods. Uther faced them in the skies of her homeland with her 3 daughters but was struck down and allowed the City of Camelot to fall.   Uther, desperate to save her world, traveled deep into the core of Britania to petition the old Dragons for aid, cosmic beings who themselves were cast from Chaotic Energies. She would need to embrace her enemy to save her people, and Uther did so willingly. She made a sacred pact with Dharjick, King of the Dragons, becoming one with him and earning his Chaotic abilities. With this new power, Uther returned to the tear in reality and wiped out the Chaos Mages, using Dragon-Fire to sear the tear closed forever. This is how Her clan earned the surname "Pendragon".  

Arthur, The King of Heroes

Arthur, the only son of Uther, grew up in an age when his clan was revered and ruled the planet Britania. The Round Table had expanded too far more planets, continuing its fight against Chaos and any who would threaten their Realm. It was during this time that his mother, Uther, and half-sister, Morgana, had returned from battle, with Uther near death. She would die in 3 nights leaving Morgana to take charge of the Round Table and Britania.   Under his half-sister's rule, Arthur was sent to the furthest edges of their empire, tasked with fighting on the front lines. This is where the young Prince earned his reputation for unyielding courage and bravery, never leaving a single Knight behind. With his 2nd, Lancelot, Arthur, and his Chapter were invincible and became greatly respected. On a dying world, Arthur killed a Dark Lord and was met with the ghost of his other sister, Morgause, who revealed to Arthur the truth behind his mother's death; Morgana, corrupted by evil.   Arthur sought to rush home to face the witch but his advisor Merlyn warned against this as Morgana's Majiks were supreme and his were not yet complete. Regardless, Arthur returned to bring her to justice, facing an army of Lords and Ladies deceived by Arthur to be Queen Uther's true killer. Arthur dared not to strike a single one of his misguided brothers or sisters and bore every wound, forcing his way through to the planet, to the city of Camelot.   Merlyn had not lied, Morgana's Majiks were supreme, but Arthur never sought to kill her for she was just a victim of Chaos. Their battle was long and lasted 12 nights, but on the last dawn, Arthur's bravery proved to be his greatest asset and aided him in defeating Morgana, sealing her away in a crystal. Arthur took control of the Round Table and made sure Morgause's spirit was respectfully laid to rest.  

Mordred, The Black Dragon

Arthur had two sons, Mordred and Llachu, who were birthed to him by a foreign Alven princess. Llachu, the eldest of the two, inherited the throne, but Mordred was younger easier to seduce from his father's watchful eye. When the boys were men, they faced each other and battled fiercely, and Mordred, griped by Chaos Madness, slew his little brother before fleeing Britania. The Round table deemed Mordred a heretic and sought to kill him.   Mordred fell deeper into Chaos and soon found his way to the 7 Deadly Sins, an order of extremely powerful Chaos Mages who are tasked with allowing Chaos to rule all of reality once again. Mordred joined the sins and their crusade against the Round Table, dealing devastating blows to the Order and weakening the wall between the Universe and Chaos, putting everyone at risk.   During the Battle of Broken Kei, Old Man Arthur reunited with his wayward son for one last duel, believing he could save Mordred where he failed Morgana. Father and Son battled each other but in the end, Mordred slew Arthur who, in his last moments, forgave his lost son and assured him he was still loved. The full weight of his actions hit Mordred as his father passed away in his arms and he used to stop the Tantum Plex from shattering the Veil and betraying the Sins. Mordred returned to the Order with his father's body and vowed to right his wrongs.   Soon, Yggdrasil sought to wipe the Universe anew to cleanse it of all the Chaos in its roots. King Mordred organized the construction of a Transdimensional Space Engine to be built in the core Planet Britania's core so that they might survive the transfer. During this time the 7 Deadly Sins made a move to claim the World Seed, a supernatural artifact created by Yggdrasil to birth new realities. Mordred assigned Knights to protect the Seed until it reached maturity while he dealt with the Sins.   The Sins slaughtered many of the remaining Knights and were about to claim the World Seed but 1st had to best a mature and fully realized Mordred. The Sins were the best agents of Chaos, bar none, this cannot be argued. But they faced Mordred Pendragon, one could not ask for a more unfair fight. Mordred bested all 7 Sins, making short work of these so-called "deadly" Mages. But in his hour of victory, one of his Knights, Sir Kejuan Ruckur, betrayed the Order and used the power of the Seed to manipulate the new Relaity. Mordred returned to Camelot just in time to make the jump to a new reality, despite the Great Betrayal.


The Daichin-Lex

A sacred text by which all respectable Warriors abide, the Guardians are no different. The text has serval passages and many teachings which can be interrupted in many ways. However, the Round Table recognizes 9 of the 12 Fundamental Books in the Daichin-Lex. They are;
  • Ⅰ. Courage: More than bravado or bluster, a KNIGHT must have the courage of heart to fight battles that are difficult, tiresome, or unglamorous and to graciously accept the sacrifices involved.
  • Ⅱ. Strength: A KNIGHT has their own Gods-Given strengths. These must be developed daily, for a KNIGHT will gain more from working on their strengths than they will from trying to improve their weaknesses.
  • Ⅲ. Temperance: Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial. The temperate KNIGHT knows to abstain from some things and holds all things in moderation.
  • Ⅳ. Humility: Not every battle can be won. In losing battles, the failing KNIGHT learns humility and the practical skills needed to win subsequent fights to come. The humble KNIGHT knows when to retreat to be restored.
  • Ⅴ. Patience: A hurried mind is an addled mind; It cannot see clearly or hear correctly. The patient KNIGHT is willing to wait and make time his ally. There is a moment for action, and with a clear mind, that moment is clear.
  • Ⅵ. Mercy: Words and attitudes are dangerous weapons; a wound inflicted by an arrow heals, but a wound inflicted by harsh words settles in the heart. The merciful KNIGHT thus exercises compassion in his dealings with others.
  • Ⅶ. Generosity: A KNIGHT's treasure is not their own; it is theirs to grow and give away at the right time and in the right way; for a true KNIGHT earns all they can, saves all they can, and gives all they can. To a true KNIGHT, wealth is only a resource for which to do good.
  • Ⅷ. Nobility: Low-minded men are occupied solely with appearances, but the Nobel-minded KNIGHT upholds their convictions at all times, especially when no one else is watching.
  • Ⅸ. Hope: In the hour of adversity, the good KNIGHT is not without hope, for they know dark nights are followed by bright days; so times of bitter hardship are followed by seasons of sweet prosperity.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


"Aurum in pace, in bello ferro" -- Gold in peace, steel in war

Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Round Table | Army & Navy | Guardian Knights
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Dame | Sir
Leader Title
Subsidiary Organizations

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

Trusting to all Degrees

The Round Table is both the Army & Navy of the Starguard, serving as its primary fighting force. As such, they do seem to be given some special treatment by the 12 but are also the first to be deployed to particularly dangerous Quests. The Round Table are warriors first and foremost, upholding their Daichin-Lex, "Warrior Law".

Eagerly Patient

The Round Table has a special place in its heart for sophisticated weapons and quality craftsmanship. As such they love the Forge and all the interesting and dangerous tools they can create, as well as ships and stations. The Forge has little patience for the Round Table who are the most likely to have Starships returned in pieces or not at all, the same can be said for weapons that just "disappear" from the Armory.

Articles under Knights of the Round Table