Legendary Katana: Sora No Hikari Item in Old Canon | World Anvil

Legendary Katana: Sora No Hikari

This sword is more than a blade, it is the will and spirit of the Tentō Clan, our family have cared and wielded it for generations and it holds the history of your forefathers. When you wield Sora No Hikari, your Forerunners stand with you, never forget.

Created by K. Crawford

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Sora No Hikari has influence over the elemental Electricity and conducts it and Magical Energy especially well. But its biggest claim to fame is its ability to be wielded by its Master's mind alone, zipping and whizzing through the battlefield to cut down enemies and aid its Master. Of course to use the Sora No Hikari in tandem with other swords, one must have an incredible amount of concentration, but if mastered, Sora No Hikari can be very deadly. 


The Sora No Hikari is one of the Sacred Elemental Blades, forged by the Sorceress Ueyama Natsumi. Only 5 Swords were made from this set and imbued within them is Ancient Elemental Primordial Goop, the stuff that all worlds are made of. It is a marvel of Ueyama's work and was rumored to be her favorite blade of the 5 made. 

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Holder
31 Lbs.
Base Price
Upwards of 4 Billion GEMS

Creative Sources

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