Old Zrefield (Ree - Field)

The Heart & Soul of Planet Krie, Old Zrefield, home of the mighty Skyburners and capital of the planet

Created by Khali Crawford


Old Zrefield is the capital city of KRIE and is a massive hub of trade, commerce, and business with Offworlders, as a result, it has a high population density of Aliens and Foreigners who visit the city or some who migrate to Krie and is one of the most diverse cities on the planet.


Old Zrefield, like all of Krie, is under the direct control of House Skyburner, where the Great House rules without challenge. That being said, the operations and responsibilities of individual cities are usually left to a Lord President, elected by the citizens of the city. A Lord President may rule for six Rotations if re-elected three times. Despite this, as Old Zrefield is the Capital City of Krie, it is also where the Skyburners reside and as such they often directly influence political events and elections, even if unintentional.


Old Zrefield is an absolutely massive city built on a great mountain, Mt. Zrefield. Castle Skyburner and its various keeps sit atop the mountain where they can see all of their control. The Castle is built in the likeness of victorian era architecture with towers and winding bridges, sporting six massive courtyards, 22 Starship Pads, and "guarded" by massive stone statues of legendary Krieian warriors and creatures. And this is just what is visible from outside, as the Castle extends inside as well.   The interior of the Mountain is considered sacred land by the Krieians and is largely converted into a massive temple to the local Mountain, Sea, and Wind Gods of this land. The victorian era architecture melts away to ebony stone, cracked and weather by the elements and time. Gold splits the block and the floor is lined with melting candles dedicated to gods in shrines. Massive cathedrals exist inside the Mountain, filled with Krieians prying and chanting, connected by twisting and winding paths. Upon rare chance one may find themselves in a deep and winding crypt, filled with ashes of the fallen who are honored to be buried in this holy place. Anyone is allowed to place the ashes of their loved ones here but the removal/ tampering of the dead in this place for any reason is a high offense.   The bulk of the city begins near the base of the mountain and stretches out to encompass the entirety of the great mountain that threatens to pierce the sky. The city is dotted with residential areas and business districts with massive spaceports in the middle to bring in victors and business. This pattern is broken up by the occasional castle, not as massive as Castle Skyburner, but legendary in their own right and holding historical significance. To the south of the mountain, a massive river flows up, through, and out of the mountain in the north, splitting the city into two halves and bringing in travel and trade by sea.   On the outskirts of the city is a massive series of farmland and crops that makes up the bulk of the larger culture industry in the city, dotted with small towns and establishments of their own.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Alternative Name(s)
Capital City of KRIE
Large city
8.419 Million
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

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