Castle Skyburn'r (skIE · ˈbɜrnər)

It's mighty towers penetrate the skies and run deep into the holy and sacred ground beneath, lavish gardens spring from it's courtyards and philosophers and poets walk the halls. This is the final resting place of all Skyburn'rs, Castle.

Created & Written by Khali Crawford | Information about Victorian-Era Architecture was found @ Victorian Architecture: 3 Characteristics of Victorian Architecture

Purpose / Function

This Castle is as old as some cities on planet Krie itself and just as important. It has served as the ancestorial home for the Skyburner Lineage for ages and the Capital for the planet Krie itself. No member of the Skuburner House shall be turned away and it is from here that all business related to the House shall be dealt with offically.


Victorian-era Architecture

The Castle is very old as it has been in the House's care for quite some time. It is marked by Victorian architecture which has common characteristics such as steeply pitched roofs, plain brick, ornate gables, iron railings, and pointed roofs. In summation, Victorian-era Architecture was marked by Ornamentation ( Victorian buildings were designed to be ornamental. Interiors were decorated with extravagant, ornate furnishings, while decorative gables, eaves, and rooftops finials adorned the exteriors.), Colorful Exteriors (Victorian homes and buildings are commonly painted in a variety of pastels, jewel tones, and earthy colors. Some feature a monochromatic color scheme while others feature several contrasting colors. Stained glass windows also provided color to both the interior and exterior of Victorian homes.), and Complicated Structures (In contrast with the simple structures of previous eras, Victorian buildings feature bay windows, steeply pitched rooflines (also known as Mansard roofs), and large, wraparound porches.).


Castle Skyburn'r was kept by the 12 Arms of Kasha'Ad who directly served the Skyburn'r House, differing from the Military of Planet Krie itself. The 12 Arms maintained a tightly-knit security ring around the Castle with virtually no blind spots and employed Golems extensively.   The Castle was constantly monitored by a Coven of Seers who ensured no prying eyes or spying devices penetrated the premises, notifying the 12 Arms of any and all violations from both within and outside of the Castle.


Castle Skyburn'r was originally a small fort built by River Skyburn'r, being expanded into a massive military outpost by Freja Skyburn'r during the 10 Siege of Weobrathane. It was a key player in the war in earning Weobrathane's independence from the House of Herrera. The Castle would later become a full-blown castle with courtyards and gardens when the Skyburn'rs became an official House and were granted rule over the City of Old Zrefield which sat at the base of the mountain where the Castle was built on.   After the Skyburn'r House was toppled by the Lynastir House, the Castle was raided by the Lynastir forces and left in ruins to humiliate the Clan, pillaging the Clan's burial tombs. The Castle would later be restored after Balthazar Skyburn'r returned to Planet Krie, restoring his House in the process, leaving it in the care of his elderly grandmother, Madelyn Skyburn'r.    When the End of Reason began, Krie was targeted by many forces who blamed the House of Skyburn'r for the shattering of the 7 Seals.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


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Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS