Oni (OH - KNEE)

The first spawn of the Darkness, the Children of that old Dark One and the Eternal Abyss, the bogeymen of all of Creation, the Oni are a vibrant and proud people, one demonized by the Angels & Gods, but people nonetheless.

Created by Khali Crawford

Basic Information


Oni are stocky but tall species with four limbs, two legs, and two arms. Their legs are inversed, resembling bovines in appearance, with claw-like feet. They possess four fingers. Their jaws can easily unhinge and reveal teeth with razor-sharp fangs. Oni bones are extremely dense, with serval sharp appendages that penetrate the skin and grow outward. These appear normally in three places, 1) on or near the heel or bottom of the feet, 2) single or multiple sharp bone horns extend from the external elbow on both arms, and 3) two horns that sprout from the skull, strain from the upper forehead, and can grow and curve over or around the head, with some even growing away from the head entirely. 

Genetics and Reproduction

Oni reproduce sexually, involving one Male and one Female. Female Oni remain pregnant for three segments before birth but are significantly physically weaker during and after this period of time, remaining in this state for an additional four segments. This is referred to as a "Slump" among Females. 

Ecology and Habitats

Oni are a hardy and durable people, they can survive in almost any ecology, but have a server weakness and aversion to extreme cold or arctic temperatures. It is not fatal, but it can cause sickness and fatigue among most Oni. They share no such weakness to fire, infact Oni have complete immunity to all kinds of heat and fire, save for Holy Fire, which is infused with The Light.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Oni are omnivores and can and will eat anything, their digestive systems are like steel, allowing them to even consume toxins and poisons without a problem. Additionally, as a species that has been so close to the Darkness since their own creation, Oni can sustain themselves off of said Darkness energy alone, with no real need for food. However, while some perform this, most only do it as a last resort. The Darkness will keep you fed, but it lacks flavor and the joy of eating.

Biological Cycle

Every seven Cycles, once an Oni has reached maturity, they usually saw off or sever their external bone-horns, this is because they can continue to grow without proper care. The exact time is different for each Oni but serve Cycles is usually about how long one would leave their bone-horns on. Ofocurse some do not saw down their horns and among some, longer horns are a sign of class and wealth as the main reason for sawing off horns is to improve battle efficiency. 

Additional Information

Social Structure

Oni society is impacted by which Court an Oni is in. There exist Seven Courts of Hell, each one ruled by an Emperor of Hell, otherwise known as the seven most powerful beings other than The One Who Shall Not Be Named. Once an Oni is killed, if it is not with a Black Arcane Blade, they return to Yomi, is reconstructed, but must gain the permission of an Emperor to leave, as the seven courts are the only ways in and out of Yomi. But even Oni who do not leave Yomi still joins an Emperor's Court for its social perks and advantages. Those members of a Court are seen as special Oni and should never be crossed, no matter what.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The majority of the Oni race reside in and originate from Yomi, the Realm where the Darkness has the most influence in all of Creation, often referred to as the Pit. Because of the Seven Seals, only certain kinds of Oni are allowed to physically leave Yomi, those being of lower power. 

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Oni horns, once matured, can be used to communicate with other Oni or even locate others of their species. Thoughts and ideas cannot be shared through the horns but emotions and feelings can, allowing peers to pick up on an Oni's emotional state without any words being spoken. Additionally, they cannot pinpoint other's locations, especially if they are not familiar with the Oni in question, but can get a general sense of where they are. Oni also have a great sense of smell. 

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Daemonus Kanju
5,000+ Cycles
Average Height
6'2'' for Females & 6'1'' for Males
Average Weight
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
It is said the Oni of Yomi were once beautiful angels who lived in the golden cities but for their Original Sin, they were cast into Darkness, and this ash and shade clung to their bodies, turning their skin grey. Wheater true or not, Oni are grey or ash-skinned in nature. 
Back way back when, when The One Who Shall Not Be Named first came into being, they brought forward 12 Sons & 12 Daughters, the progenitors of the entire Oni species, referred to as the Founder Clans. Each Oni had distinct white body markings which signaled them as the children of Yomi. This continued into each member of the species, with these marks, varying in size and design, and shape, appearing on every member of this species.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS