The Bizzarians from Byzar-03

Basic Information


Bizzarians are Humanoid beings who stand at an imposing 6'8" with a lean, muscular body. They possess four limbs, two arms, and two legs as well as a tail extending from their lower back at the base of their spine. Their vital organs including their two hearts are protected within a skeletal structure. Their bodies have hair growing in excess on their chest, legs, and arms, and feet. 

Genetics and Reproduction

Bizzarians reproduce Sexually in a process that only demands one female and one male. The female will carry the offspring and remain pregnant for five months before giving birth to one child. Bizzarians' biological clock runs in cycles, allowing for reproduction only at specific times during a year. When mating, only the strongest of the two-parent genes will be passed on, sometimes mix desirable genes from both. 

Growth Rate & Stages

  • Infant: 0 - 4
  • Youngling: 12 - 14
  • Prime: 19 - 45
  • Elderly: 60+

Ecology and Habitats

The oxygen-rich atmosphere is the only requirement for Bizzarians, they have spent hundreds of years evolving to live on some of the most inhospitable planets in the Universe. When in extreme artic temperatures their bodies will grow thick hair over themselves and when in humid temperatures they shed most of it.

Dietary Needs and Habits

  • Carnivores (Exclusively) -- Bizzarian bodies can process raw or uncooked meats nearly as well as cooked meats but the taste is god-awful.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Bizzarians live in Clans which consists of 7 or more Bizzarians led by a Bizzarian with the "Sun" prefix in their name. In society, the stronger and more experienced are placed closer to the top and the weaker less experienced are near the bottom. The elderly who can no longer fight are charged with child care and education, training the next generation of Bizzarians.

Average Intelligence

When not hindered by the Qui or other external factors, Bizzarians maintain an average level of thinking but a heightened tactical and strategic mindset, one geared for combat and warfare.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Very precise eyesight
  • Advanced sense of smell and taste
  • Sensitive ears
  • Their skin is dense and tough

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Bizzarian names are assigned after the Bizzarian in question has completed a "feat" or a legendary task which earns them their name and the right to be equal. These names are typically only one word in length and are meant to convey their greatest attribute. Bizzarians who fail to achieve a Feat is given their Father/ Mother's name by default with the "Enel" Prefix signifying their shame until they can earn a name. The Prefix "Sun" is held in relatively high respect as it belonged to their founder, Sun Wukong. Only Bizzarians of the highest caliber are allowed to bear the Prefix, to falsely claim it is punishable by death.
  • Enel Da
  • Fang
  • Pantajiang
  • Zukong
  • Enel Zhou
  • Kai-Tower

Beauty Ideals

Physical attraction is not really a factor in "Beauty" among Bizzarians when choosing a Mate, but typically the more scars a Bizzarian has the more desirable they are. This shows they have faced terrible foes and even death but came back from the edge stronger than before. As such, Bizzarians wear clothes that complement the battle scars across their body like their backs, chest, stomachs, legs, and arms. 

Courtship Ideals

To successfully court a Bizzarian of the opposite or same sex, you will need to physically impress them in combat, such opportunities only appear on a mission and so many young Bizzarians will jump into battle headfirst to earn some scars and catch the eye of their lover with displays of strength, speed, agility, or wit. The extremely lucky ones who possess many of these desirable traits can have their pick of the Bizzarians after a battle.

Relationship Ideals

Bizzarians are of the more liberal species in the Universe, having multiple Mates during their lifetime or even at once. This is because Bizzarians are nomadic by nature and sometimes Mates are killed, MIA or Clans of Bizzarians simply split up and Mates are separated. As such, relationships are treated more like a temporary partnership with a buddy of yours, with benefits obviously. Your Mate or Mates are responsible for satisfying each other and ensuring the Clan can continue. 

Average Technological Level

They are one of the less advanced species in the Universe, they have space travel and weaponry and medicine and science but since they are nomadic in nature, they largely make use of whatever they find. They will land big Galleons on planets and after setting up a large camp, will make use of any local resources they find or buy. Their most advanced piece of tech is Gud-Goop, a medical substance which when applied to injuries, can quickly mend bones and repair flesh, it will leave a noticeable scar though.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The language tree for the Bizzarians is a linguistic nightmare and is one of the most complex and diverse to ever be recorded. Because they travel and split up so much, their language can change, regress, progress, and even be mixed in with other tongues they pick up along the way. It is extremely common for two Clans of Bizzarians who used to be one Clan to reunite together and not be able to understand a word of what they are saying just because their language has changed so much.

Common Etiquette Rules

"Sparing" is the most common etiquette among Bizzarians as well as a way to subtly challenge one's superior in combat. Killing or serious wounding is typically frowned upon but for the most part, these spars are anything goes but remain friendly. 

Common Dress Code

As mentioned earlier, Bizzarians wear more open or revealing clothing to display their battle scars gained from their many adventures and expeditions in space. The one constant between all Clans is a battle Ribbon, a piece of fabric that hangs from the waist and is awarded to a Bizzarian after they reach adulthood within the Clan, a mark of growth and maturity.



The first Bizzarian was Sun Wukong, an Apemen who had freed himself from enslavement to the Sobek back during the war with the Sobek Empire. Sun Wukong and a tribe of the strongest Apemen left Earth and would traverse the Universe, eventually settling on the planetoid Byzar-03 which orbited the planet Binzar. The moon was a hellscape with extreme gravity and ravaged by cosmic storms but Wukong made it their home, in time the Apemen born on this moon began to resemble more Human-like species and were dubbed the "Bizzarians" by the Apemen.


For centuries, the Bizzarians ravaged the Universe, traveling the stars on Byzar-03 which had been modified into a mobile war base. They aimlessly wandered about, picking a fight with any and all who crossed their path for no reason other than the glory of battle. This changed when they encounter the Qui, a species of intelligent squids who bested them in telepathic abilities. This was the fall of the Bizzarians as they knew it and the destruction of Byzar.
The Qui re-employed the Bizzarians as a branch of their own military, the Qui had superior Telepathic abilities but combined with the might of the brute-like Bizzarians, they began to solidify their small empire in the Universe. Other than bodyguards, the Qui used them to get into business with the White Lotus. They would have the Bizzarians attack, strip, and rebuild planets to sell to other species through the Lotus, making them one of the key players in the Crime Syndicate.


For countless cycles, the Qui perfected the art of breeding obedient Bizzarians by capping their intelligence and installing Behavior Chips in their skull. These imperfect Bizzarians were a far cry from the ones who descended from Sun Wukong but still got the job done, giving up power for control. However, one Bizzarian, Enel Dah, born of natural birth in secret, discovered the truth and the depth of the violation of her people and sought to free the Bizzarians in the same way Sun Wukong did all those ages ago.
Enel Dah enlisted the aid of the Starside Outriders, Knights of the Iron Banner, to aid her in her mission. Captain of the Outriders, Balthazar Skyburner Jr., did battle with Almighty Qui Commander on Qui Prime World, killing him and shattering the Qui's Empire and their hold on the Bizzarians.


Roughly 300 hundred years after Sun Dah lead her people into a new age of glory and battle, the Bizzarians were finally starting to breed out the genetic limitations placed on them by the Qui and slowly returning to their original power. It was around this time that they joined forces with two other warrior species, the Karrsians, and the Ingens Lupus to form an entirely new species; the Su Thraxians.

Historical Figures

  • Sun Wukong, The Monkey King

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Bizzarians have developed a reputation for being extremely violent and generally seen as "evil", which when taking into account their past and occupation, is not exactly unfounded or untrue in some cases. Bizzarians largely keep to themselves, for the most part, traveling in Clans and carrying out their objectives as given by the Qui. Sometimes, as in the case with Hayden Fives and his species, this makes enemies of entire planets. They are one of the most hated but also feared people in the Universe. Young Bizzarians who travel by themselves quickly find this out when at the mercy of strangers who have no reservations about inflicting that same pain back onto them.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Canspius Apedeus
98 Cycles
Average Height
Male Height Avg. is 6'8'' & Female Height Avg. is 6'5"
Average Weight
Male Weight Avg. is 195 Lbs. & Female Weight Avg. 190 Lbs.
Average Physique
Bizzarians remain in lean but well-built and fit physique due to their society but also their way of life which leaves them in dangerous environments forcing only the fitest to survive. They are tall but not lanky, lean with defined muscles and strong structure.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS