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The ruined caer before unending polar waste.

Caer-Konig is a Kingdom-era fort town in northeastern Ten-Towns. It is the most northerly community on Lac Dinneshere at the foot of Kelvin's Cairn. Caer-Konig is the fifth largest community in the region other than Dougan's Hole and is famed principally for mushing and mountaineering. It is named for its eponymous castle, which was destroyed during Vassavicken's War in the seventh century MA. Before the Rime, Caer-Konig hosted the world's most northern icegrain farm.

Politics and Economy

Town around a Ruined Castle

Caer-Konig's ruined castle remains a centrepiece of the town. It can be used for temporary shelter in case of raids, but is otherwise little more than a backdrop to village life. The town consists of terraced rows of houses that recede from the shore of Lac Dinneshere like the tiers of an amphitheater. The harbor is frozen, its docks skewed and broken by the shifting ice. Buried under the snow on the slopes above the last row of houses are the ruins of the Caer.

Caer-Konig's government is a traditional elected speakership. It has a very small number of part-time clerks, mostly dedicated to policy matters related to engaging the leadership of Easthaven and Kelvin's Cairn. The Speaker has also traditionally held the position of Captain of the Militia since the Occupation of Icewind Dale in 141 NE..

Caer-Konig is almost entirely isolated save for a trail to Caer-Dineval and a ferry that traverses Lac Dinneshere to Easthaven. No trails exist linking Caer-Konig to dwarfs of Kelvin's Cairn, but mountaineers and mushers have managed to identify routes to the dwarfish community. This connection has deepened since the Everlasting Rime cut off the Easthaven Ferry.

Sled Dogs and Icegrain

Historically, Caer-Konig's economy relied on its communal icegrain, administered by the speakership following the dissolution of the Earl Konig. The town was also famed for its breeders of sled-dogs, which are renowned for their speed and strength throughout Icewind Dale and the Northlands.

The sled dog Frozenfar Kennels of the local Swift family are the largest and most prestigious sled dog breeders in the Northlands. The Swift family has even sold a dog to the Nalemon's court. Beyond Frozenfar, the most influential industry in town is the Mountaineers' Guild.

Mountaineer Town

Caer-Konig is home to a large community of mountaineers, who try their luck at retrieving the wealth of Kelvin's Cairn. These mountaineers are traders, treasure-hunters, foragers, monster or animal hunters, and other professions. They organize out of the local Guildhouse.

The Guildhouse is the first stop for those keen to try their luck on Kelvin's Cairn. The mountaineers' guild works to recruit capable outdoorsmen and takes a small fee to set guildmembers up and give them an orientation. A mountaineer who has had 10 successful expeditions to the lonely mountain are called "Blackfingers" after the mountain's reputation for inflicting frostbite on those who dare to challenge it.


Caer-Konig was initially built following the exodus of silverpine dwarf refugees from Silverpine Hall following its occupation by the orcish Many-Arrows Kingdom. The King of Icewind recognized the lack of defences might enable a northern threat to approach and reach the core of the Ten Towns with little effort. The Caer was built shortly thereafter in the early fourth century MA, before being destroyed in the late seventh century during Vassavicken's War.

The Earl Konig remained somewhat influential throughout the Kingdom period and even during the Alagonid Empire, but after the construction of the castle at Caer-Dineval the town's political fortunes weakened.

The rise of a mushing industry in the town greatly improved the community's economic strength following the Occupation of Icewind Dale.

General Information
Lac Dinneshere, Icewind Dale
Speaker of Caer-Konig
1st century MA
Feylord Worship
Cult of Auril
Silverpine dwarfs


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