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The castle-ward against the threats of the Icewind Dale.

Caer-Dineval is located on the northwestern bank of Lac Dinneshere, not far south of Caer-Konig. It was situated in a half-circle around Knucklehead Harbor, with the caer castle overlooking the harbor from Lokine Hill in the east. It is an Alagonid-era fort town, with the eponymous castle constructed as a replacement following the destruction of Caer-Konig during Vassavicken's War. While small by southern standards, the caer is more than large enough to guard the narrow northern approach to Ten-Towns between the foothills of Kelvin's Cairn and Lac Dinneshere.

Politics and Economy

Elected Earls

Caer-Konig's government is a traditional elected Speakership. While more tradition than reality, the castle-town culture of Caer Dineval has meant the elected speaker is also traditionally styled the Earl Dineval, although this title is not recognized by the Nalemonic Empire and does not carry the social or political weight as similar titles in Easthaven.

The town has historically been dominated by the Siever family, which purportedly draws its lineage back to the original Earl Dineval. Nevertheless, the speakership has often been held by a other family. The current speaker, Crannoc Siever, is the last living direct descendent of the Siever line.

A Fishing Fort

Caer-Dineval's economy relies primarily on knucklehead fishing in Lac Dinneshere. The town has a strong fishing tradition, with the knucklehead trout sharing space with a depiction of the caer on the town crest.

Despite a relatively small population Caer-Dineval has a relatively large harbour in its inlet, with several piers dedicated to local fishing and a large dock for the Easthaven Ferry. The ferry represents the town's principal vehicle for trade, given the diffifulty of the lakeside trail leading south to the rest of Ten-Towns.

Caer-Dineval is difficult to reach, situated nearly halfway up the length of Lac Dinneshere with only a rocky trail connecting it to Caer-Konig to the north and to the Eastway to the south. A ferry connects it more directly to Easthaven and Caer-Konig.

Knights of the Bheur

A new group, the Knights of the Bheur, has recently taken residence in the castle of Caer Dineval, on invitation from the Earl Dineval. The knights and their dedication to the Pale Crone Cailleach Bheur is well-known to the town, having upon their arrival executed the leaders of the town's Cult of Auril. Only rumours about the group have become widespread in the rest of the towns.


Before it became Caer-Dineval, the town was known as Lokine Hill, after the hill on which the modern Caer was built. It was initially an independent lordship before the Kingdom of Icewind compelled it to pledge allegiance through a multi-month siege and blockade of the town. Some time after Vassavicken's War, under the Alagonid Empire, concern about a potential repeat invasion by giants led to the construction of the Caer.

The Caer's construction was overseen by Dinev Rulfson, the consort of Emperor Alagondar's second son. While historians believe that Dinev's initial appointment was almost wholly the result of his paramour's influence, and he was known as an inebriate, he reportedly aquitted himself well. The Emperor eventually granted Dinev the caer and the title of Earl, giving the castle the name Dineval (of Dinev), which soon came to refer to the town as a whole. Dinev remains a highly popular character in the town's history.

Following the construction of the Caer, the Earls Dineval influence, independent of their future relationships to the Alagonid dynasty, was greatly improved. The title Northmarshal and responsibility for the defence of Icewind Dale was often granted by Alagonid lords to the lord of Caer-Dineval.

Following the Occupation of Icewind Dale, the Earl Dineval surrendered his title and supported the transition of the town to an elected speakership. However, popular support for the Earldom, the great popularity of Dinev's line, combined with proximity to Alagonid cultural influence from Easthaven, caused the Speakers of Caer-Dineval to keep the title of Earl Dineval.

General Information
Lac Dinneshere, Icewind Dale
Earl Dineval
1st century MA
Feylord Worship
Bheur Worship


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