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Baron Gustov Drellic

Baron Gustov Drellic was one of the original 12 Barons of the Statehood and helped establish it.   The Drellic Barony consisted of the Drellic Swamp, named after himself.   Originally part of a semi-wealthy woodcutting family in Acaron, Gustov was the only one of his lineage to survive the Long Dark. With the return of the sun Gustov was one of the few people living in the far East of Acaron. He helped unite the surviving people together and eventually migrated to Gray Haven. There he participated in building the town and leading groups of workers to provide basic timber for construction.   When news of the Colossus hordes reached Gray Haven he was quick to put his men to work gathering and cutting lumber for ship construction. His overseeing provided enough materials for four ships. He was aboard The Cold Tide, the first of the four ships to leave.   During travel The Cold Tide was separated from the other three ships and had arrived in central Brennis. The survivors made camp along the cost line and scouted the nearby area.   Weeks after landing each night the group heard loud screaming and howling, but couldn't find out what was making it. One night the camp was attacked by an animal and dragged off someone into the wood. Their grizzly remains were found the morning after. This happened again two more nights in a row. Lacking a proper leader, half of the survivors looked to Captain Dorin, while others saw guidance in Gustov.   Those who followed Gustov went further inland following the river.   Those who followed Captain Dorin hopped back onto The Cold Tide and rode down the coastline another two days.   Gustov and the others could still hear the howling and screaming at night, but the attacks had stopped. After a week of heading further and further in, people were tired and hungry. Gustov assumed the river would lead to a lake and they would be able to stay there. Moral was quite low, but Gustov set out early in the morning to scout and gave everyone else the day off.   Trudging for hours he finally found that the river did not turn into a lake, but instead a swamp.   Lost, hungry, and exhausted, Gustov was ready to give up, but came across a strange stone tower. Figuring it would make a decent vantagepoint he went inside. The tower was damaged, but still standing. Only cold stone remained. He climbed two stories and looked around from the top. Swamp in all direction. He slumped down and cried, defeated. He cursed Reus for leading him to these circumstance.   He then heard a voice from down the tower and followed it down into the basement. There he saw a strange red sigil on the stone wall. He walked closer to it and the voice spoke to him again, this time he could hear it.   "My, how you've suffered for your people. All the things you've given for them to escape." The voice said.   "W-wha-who are you? How do you know all that?" Gustov replied.   "I've been watching you Gustov, your family name means a lot. You've had things taken from you time and time again, yet every time you work hard and get even more."   "I-I, I've always gotten back up on my feet."   "You have, and despite all your hard work, someone has tried to take what YOU'VE earned away from you. I can help you Gustov, and all those who follow you."   "H-how?"   "This swamp, the creatures and the diseases in it are deadly, but under all of that, there is wealth, great wealth to be had here. I can keep these threats at bay, turn this turgid swamp into a paradise, and stop anyone who would want to take it from you."   "You can do that? You would help us live here?"   "Of course, I would keep all of you safe here."   "Well, why would you help us? What would you want? We don't hav-"   "All I desire is compensation, pay me in goods, coin, jewelry, anything. Consider it... an investment... Partner."   Gustov agreed, and made this deal with his Partner. When he left the tower he witnessed the trees and water level shift before his eyes, and the overly hot and muggy swamp cooled and became much more pleasant in an instant. Gustov smiled and thanked his Partner under his breath before hurrying back to meet with the others.
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