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The Statehood


The Statehood is a republic formed from the alliance of 12 baronies. Each Baron would be able to rule their territory with their own laws and edicts, but would also have to adhere to the standards set by vote each year by the twelve Barons.


The Statehood faced issues that only seemed to grow in number overtime. Shortage of materials, infighting among Barons, trading only within the Statehood, religious prosecution, competing in a cold war with the Kingdom of Brennis, and spending vast amounts of resources and manpower to keep isolationist were all stresses that hurt the Statehood, but it was the attempted Coup by Baron Rolan Torrid that finally broke the Statehood. After seeing the worsening conditions within the Statehood, and being given a full chance to join Brennis, the remaining Barons put it to a vote, and with a result of 8/9, the Statehood was dissolved and became a part of the Kingdom of Brennis, with all former Barons becoming Counts for the Kingdom.

"To defend the ideals of the new world, and to abandon the errors of the old one."


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