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Cal Cium

Cal Cium (a.k.a. Cal)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A tall lean but strong dragon born with wings

Body Features

small horns protrude from his elbows and knees

Facial Features

horns that protrude from the top of his head about 1 foot 1/2 and angle back small hons that protrude back from his jawline white/silver almost like dreadlock hair

Special abilities


Apparel & Accessories

white and grays robes with gold trim

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cal Cium was born human into a loving family. His mother Lily had him when she was 18 and his father Galien was 20. Cal Cium has a older brother by 2 years Bert and a 2 years after Cals birth they would have a sister Lilla. Cal was born in the statehood in the province of Rescribe under the rule of Baron Luko. Books were illegal in Rescribe and as Cal got older he wanted to lean how to read and write. Cal would spend most of his time ether working the coal pits with his father and brother or playing with young boy from the same town Asher Drangonleaf  
The Change
One day Cal, Asher and Gillian who recently move to here with his sister came across a skeletal with armor and sword in a strange metal with a box. When the group opened the box they found books Cal became excited. The book the caught Cal attention was a simple black book and when he opened it strangle he could read it. Excited he looked up to tell his friends but they seemed to be frozen in time. The book products more writing it wanted to teach Cal Magics not knowing comply what the book is Cal agreed and time was normal. When the group was returning to town they found out it was under attack by strange men that took Cals father and brother Asher mother and brother and Gillian sister. the group decedent to go after them. After saving his family brennis and the stathood became one and Asher became the new leader of Grayweld. Asher became less tolerant and still having good intentions but not caring how he getting the outcome. Cal finding more out About were his book comes from. The Seekers a group of old necromancers not good but not completely evil it was this book the blocked him for going to the new magic school on a secret inland. Cal soon was able to meat Emerald the God of knowledge and soon after Cal was confronted by the God of death who wanted Cal to remake the seekers. Cal not agreeing fulling with the seekers and by extension the god of death decided to talk to Hyperia the God of sun and Judgment the talk not ending in a disagreement and Cal losing his hand and having his spirit be draining form him. Cal was able to stop the draining by truing himself into a dragon born. Hyperia forced another meeting between Her and Cal by kidnapping but not hurting cal's family. Cal immediately and without hesitation went to the meeting place Cal and Hyperia working things out freeing cals family. As part of the Agreemet Cal destroyed everything of the seekers including the mother book. but Cal was free to make is own undead with a new typ of magic of Cals making. Out of respect Cal had a symbol of Hyperia that he always wheres with his other symbols of Emerald and Monarayith (ashers god). Asher seemed to keep falling down a dark path he killed a man in a fighting challenge and didn't even seem to care eventually Asher had a falling out with seemingly everyone around him including Monarayith and Cal. Asher ended up apologizing to Cal but Cal still ended up moving to brennis closer to his family soon after he was invited to the new magic school on a inland secret from the rest of the world. many months past and Cal was visiting Dragon leaf formally Grayweld and found Gillian with asher who had somehow turned himself into a full black dragon baby and had seems to have lost most of his memory's. It was agreed the Asher would go with a silver dragon that he had unknowingly started a family with to a land of dragons to live out his new life with his new family. So Cal had to say good by to a beloved friend who had fallen but gets a fresh start.

Accomplishments & Achievements

*Runs Dragon leaf formally Greyweld after Ashers fall *Built the schools and librarys making the schooling accessible for commoners *Making Spirit Magic non evil necromancy *Destroying the seekers

Failures & Embarrassments

Not being Able to help his friend Asher


Family Ties

Surname Cium

Religious Views

Not deeply religious but has respect for some of the gods even caring there symbols on his belt.


*Common *Draconian *Elvish *Dwarvish

Cal is a Wizard that is the creator and a practitioner in spirit Magic a non evil form of necromancy.

Character Location
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Honorary & Occupational Titles
Baron of Dragon Leaf (formally Grayweld) One of the few arcane magic users that king brennis knows
Current Residence
Dragon Leaf
Cold Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dragon Scales almost a translucent white like melting ice that has micro cracks through out it with a faint blue glow form under the scales.
6 feet 3 inches
Other Affiliations


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