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The Sparrows

The Sparrows were a rebellion group determined to help free the people of the Statehood and stop the Volen-Hal.


The Sparrows consisted of small cells that would constantly move around. If one cell was captured or killed, it would allow the rest of the organization to flutter away and regroup.


At it's peak the Sparrows consisted of 40 active members.


Originally a means of getting messages in and out of the Statehood, the small group of smugglers turned into a rebellion after discovering the Volen-Hal and living to tell the tale. They helped in revealing the truth of the Volen-Hal's existance to the Kingdom of Brennis  and Asher Dragon-Leaf  When the Statehood collapsed and the Volen-Hal left for open ocean, the Sparrows rejoiced and many of them retired. Some stuck around and continued to keep the organization alive trying to aid those who were being mistreated. In 29 4e They got in a small scuffle against the Black Pillar and managed to bring news of their hanious actions to the attention of King Rain Brennis I who swiftly exiled the entire organization from the Kingdom.     During the Dead Sun occupation, the Sparrows rallied once more helping deliver messages between small rebel cells among the occupied territory and aided many elves in escaping prosecution and bringing them over the Ambit to Fellcrest. They also provided distractions and sabotage to weaken the occupying force's supply line.     Now that the Dead Sun has retreated out of Brennis, some Sparrows have been tailing their retreat to monitor their movements. Others have helped reveal traitors among the people of Brennis who aided the occupiers.Queen Victoria Brennis thanked the Sparrows and dedicated a memorial in their honor in Hopeshelm.
Founding Date
10 4e
Illicit, Rebel


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