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The Long Night

The Long Night is a reoccurring tradition when both Moons are completely in their darkest phase at the same time. During these nights people traditionally light a candle outside for the people who were lost during the Long Dark.


After the end of the Long Dark, those who survived were pleased to see the night sky fill up once again with two massive moons and stars to light the world at night. Following the lunar cycles they eventually came to a point where both moons were blackened out one night leaving the world quite dark once again. They decided to leave candles out to both light their way, and as a remembrance to those who had fallen during that time, to show them that they once again had light in their lives. The tradition was practiced by most people of Rodina.   When the Colossus rose to power and started conquering Rodina people had to flee from their homeland off into the great unknown oceans. Those who arrived in what would later be named Orisia continued the tradition, but with low lit fires due to the lack of candles and other supplies. As time went on and the Kingdom of Brennis and the The Statehood formed, both sides honored the fallen with each Long Night and would have many torches or candles around their capital buildings.     As time passed since the Long Dark as well as more and more of the survivors have passed away from old age, others have outright stopped honoring it.   After the occupation of the Kingdom of Brennis by the Dead Sun Empire, the sun had been blocked out and eventually disappeared during the six month long occupation as well. Now that the Dead Sun Empire has dissolved Long Nights have found a few generation of people who pay respect to the fallen.   Originally the tradition was to honor those who were lost during the Long Dark, but the tradition now honors those left behind during the rise of the Colossus, those lost at sea during the great migration, the night of blue fire, and the occupation of the Dead Sun Empire.


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