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The Kingdom of Brennis


The Kingdom of Brennis was established by Lionel Brennis in 7 4e. It was his own personal choice to never take the title of king, and instead give it to his newborn son Rain Brennis I. Shortly after the assassination of his wife and the Night of Blue Flame, the settlement leaders to the south decided not to join the kingdom and instead formed the Statehood. For the next few years Brennis worked on establishing itself and creating settlements and roads. The Kingdom in it's early years relied heavily on tools and goods brought over from Rodina, but as time passed production improved. The Iron coin was made the official currency of Brennis in 7 4e, just weeks after the kingdom's establishment, and trade within the kingdom quickly improved.    The Kingdom of Brennis started to run into struggles with The Statehood in late 8 4e as attempts to find common ground failed. The Statehood signed the Isolation Pact in early 8 4e forbidding all travel in and out of the Statehood. This stopped all trade between the two nations and before long small skirmishes broke out along the border. Eventually in 10 4e the Statehood started construction on the Barrier Wall which completely blocked off the border between Brennis and The Statehood. Brennis then started construction on Fort Bastion just outside of the wall in order to keep a small garrison in the local area. Both nations entered a cold war after this point.     Rain Brennis was officially crowned king at the age of 10 in 17 4e. At that point forward King Rain was the sole ruler of the Kingdom of Brennis, and Lionel become his chief advisor.    In 26 4e an attempted coup in The Statehood failed and the surviving Barons voted to reach out to King Rain in an attempt to form a new relationship with the Kingdom. After weeks of back and forth discussion, the Barons voted to dismantle the Statehood and the Barrier Wall in exchange for joining the Kingdom of Brennis and being allowed to keep their political power. King Rain agreed and the Barons became his vassalized Counts.      Shortly after Count Asher Dragon-Leaf had a festival in his newly acquired territory. Counts, and people from all over attended and it helped further unite two different groups of people. A deal between the Kingdom of Brennis and a local timber company was attacked during the festivle, and a large sum of Iron and raw gold was stolen by the Bellstone Wedge. Most of the stolen goods were found, but a large amount of gold was never found.      Months after the fall of the Statehood Count Gustov Drellic and his lands were overtaken overnight seemingly by nature itself. King Rain ran an investigation, but very little was found. The swamp had consumed all survivors and become quite dangerous. The area was later nicknamed Mistridge over the mass fog that often forms around it.   In 28 4e King Rain married and shortly after had his first son, Rain Brennis II.


Ever since the chiefdom of Brennis was founded, the government has had a control of the upper western coast of Orisia. After forming the Kingdom of Brennis it was recorded that all territory that had been previously held by the Cheifdom was now in ownership of the holder of the The Iron Crown  During the Standoff with the Statehood the Kingdom did not have claims on the lower half of the Western Coastline and as such did not attempt to annex it from them. During this stand off however the King was firm on what he did control and would not surrender land over to the Statehood without conflict.    Once the Statehood fell on it's own accord, the former barons of it agreed to join with the Kingdom in exchange to continue rule of their territory as vassals to the king, which he gladly accepted. Once the area was officially joined to the Kingdom, the entirety of the Western coast was agreed to be in ownership of the Kingdom, extending all the way up to the Ambit, which was agreed by Solis to remain unclaimed by all.    During the occupation by the Dead Sun Empire, the territory was dissolved and absorbed by the conquering empire. When the empire was defeated and Queen Victoria took her title, all previous lands that had belonged to the Kingdom once again were in ownership of the holder of the Iron Crown. With the death of nearly all previous noble families, the queen divided the Kingdom into six regions, and three territories in each. She's been at work establishing more localized governments to help in overseeing recovering and rebuilding.    Throughout the history of the Kingdom of Brennis there has been debate on moving out past the Ambit or not. While there is plenty of open space to be claimed, there are unknown dangers and threats on the other side of those mountains. At the moment, they act as a perfect natural wall to protect the Kingdom.
Founding Date
7 4e
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
All coinage is made from useful metals rather than metals given luxury though value.   Wedge: The smallest form of currency in the kingdom, the triangle bits come together in 10 to form a single coin.  Iron: The Standard currency. Can be broken down into wedges.  Steel: The higher expense currency worth 10 iron coins, usually used in higher cost transactions or business deals.
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