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Wyndelkyndian History

The History of Wyndelkynd. Starting in 20:E and coming to present day in 1,1,1,1:8

Zamiotl Era

... to 1000:20E

  • 1000:20E to 980:19E
    The Catastrophe of The 20th Emetza

    27 Metza ago, The Zamiotl, an alien race living on our moon were forced to flee to Wyndelkynd which they called Harritanzincizinccan. They instructed Faeriel to terraform Harritanzincizinccan, a planetship, back into a natural planet for colonisation. The process was done in around 20 years and under normal circumstances, terraformation would be done over several hundred years. This strained Faeriel so heavily she would be knocked unconscious for the next 20000 years, even then the process was not perfect, there is still alot of artificial remnants, particularly in the detritus layer of the planet's crust. The colonists took to the new planet below and we are descended from them. The nature of the catastrophe is a topic of much debate.

Grounded Period

980:19E to 925:1E

  • ?:19E - ?:14E
    Summary of The Early Grounded Period

    The Early Grounded Period was chaotic. It's beginning is marked by the landing of The Ark and subsequent reassembly into what is now known as Gwargiwarrapan. Immediately there were problems with the Ark Administration and the Ark shattered into various nation-states. There was also mass migration out of The Ark to escape the state of perpetual war and chaos that seemed to exist amongst The Ark States. By :16E half of the Ark population had migrated into the Jungles of the surrounding continent. Those who left would within a few generations regress back to stone age technology with no means of replacing equipment that required industry. Meanwhile the constant war was subsiding in the Ark States but the wars had utterly drained them of resources and destroyed all the infrastructure intended to jumpstart their colonisation effort.

  • ?:14E to ?:7E
    Summary of The Middle Grounded Period

    Before this period, only small groups of explorers had reached the other continents. The Middle Grounded Period sees a massive migration out of Gwargiwa, first migrating to The Orange Isles in the 14th Emetza and then migrations to Pagaema occurred between the 9th Emetza and 7th Emetza. Meanwhile on Gwargiwa, The Ark Nations united for a brief 200 year period from ~400:8E to ~200:8E as The Gorrowanna Empire. This empire managed to exert influence outside the city, building new cities in former tribal terriory. The tribal groups would ultimately overwhelm The Gorrowanna Empire razing the cities outside The Ark and then burning and pillaging the Ark itself back into the stone-age.

  • ?:7E to 925:1E
    Summary of The Late Grounded Period

    The Late Grounded Period is notable as the end of Stone Age and Fire Age technology outside of Gwargiwa. Increasing urban settlements particularly in Tartayl and Azeyzela. The end date of The Late Grounded Period coincides with The creation of The Mantaritaray Empire.

Classical Period

925:1E to 1:1E

  • 925:1E
    Founding of The Mantaritaray Empire

    Mantaritaray lead the conquest of The Kanesct peninsula from a single city state to the entire region, firmly taking place as the hegemonic power of Tartayl. His legacy would go on to grow to span from The Crown of Cirtilest, to Khaletza, to Javainlar and Mzeyl.

  • 552:1E - 227:1E
    The Great Mantaritaray Schism

    As The Mantariataray Empire peaked, it controlled The Entire West Coast of Javainlar and Valetl. These new territories came to be known as the other half of the Empire. Due to it's central location, Valetl was becoming a bustling city in the empire and this also mean that Valet Cultural practises were exposed to much of the other parts of the empire. This would lead to The Great Schism Where a significant portion of The Mantarit Leadership wanted to move The Empire's capital to Valetl and promote the spread of many of the Valetl Cultural practises across the empire, while the other half of the leadership prefferred the status quo. The Valet Mantarit split away in 552:1E and the schism would not be resolved until 227:1E when the Valet Mantarit siezed the other half, reuniting the empire.

  • 10:1E - 10:1
    The Plague

    A Devastating Plague raged through The Mantarit Empire, further weakening it in it's decline period and a major factor in Serra's favour when she came to invade the continent soon after.

1st Metza

1:1 - 1000:1

  • 1 :1


    Serra's Vision/Faeriel's Arrival

    This marks the reawakening of Faeriel, she was once again visible in the sky. Serra was shown a vision shortly afterward, in which she was gifted an acute understanding of the seasons and rotations of the planet, she then invented the Serran calendar using this knowledge and began the cultivation of the crop which would eventually cure The Plague Devastating Tartayl.

  • 3 :1

    94 :1


    Serran Invasion

    Serra embarks on a campagn to drive the Mantarit from Ankesct, renaming the Western half of The Region Serrataray and Establishing the Serran Empire. With this, Serra imported the Matriarchal society of Khaletza and imposed it on the native population as well as encouraging mass migration from her homeland to settle in Serra's Landing. The invasion would continue long past Serra's death. After the Serran Empire had extended to a safe degree and settled it would begin turning inward to convert the population. Worshippers of Saeriel would travel across the known world to spread the word.

  • 33 :1


    Death of Serra

    Serra died on the 5th day of the 2nd week of the 5th Month of The 33rd Year of The 1st Metza. The invasion she declared against the Mantaritaray would continue after her death until her Empire grew to encompass Tartayl, her fame and divinity grew to the point that the entire continent would take on her name, becoming known as The Continent of Serra. She is believed to have been uplifted into space after death, becoming part of Faeriel. This is why the Serrans call her Saeriel instead.

  • 94 :1

    700 :1

    Pagaeman Rennaissance

    The Pagaeman Rennaissance refers to the period in which Javainlar as it was then known by The Mantarit would import many new ideas from The Serrans as well as a major shift in the distribution of the Azettyzayrel population across a wide berth of the continent, who would come to be recognised as the largest of the Azeyzelan Ethnic Group. Various ideas imported included the adoption of The Serran Calendar, Unification and Empire building, Faeriel Worship(though not recognising Saeriel's Divinity) and Matriarchy.   The Young Azettyzayrel Empire would bear responsibility for much of the developments seen during this period.   A Few hundred years after, Reykelrotk would make a very similar transition this time using Azettyzayrel as a model.

  • 395 :1


    Founding Of The Azettyzayrel Empire

    The Azettyzayrel Empire was the result of the spread of Serran ideas to Azeyzelan Continent, an attempt of Continental Unification made to emulate The Serrans, It would encompass a large partion of The Cornucopia and The Coasts of The Eye, but failed to conquer regions such as Azotl and The Amber Coast.

  • 523 :1


    Founding of The Skiver Empire

    The Skiver Empire inhabited the lakes of Skiver on the southermost tip of Reykelrotk, trade along the Coast of Rekkah lead to Serran thought arriving even to this remote area of civilisation. Although it had undergone significant distortion and it was viewed by The Skiver more as Azeyzelan thought than Serran.

  • 789 :1

    The Serran-Azeyzelan Wars

    The latter half of the 1st Metza was marked with increased hostility between the worshippers of Saeriel and the worshippers of Garfield. The efforts by Serra to spread their interpretation of the Phoenix's appearance was unsuccessful and wars were waged. The Serran Empire Made some gains in Azeyzela but The new Metza was quickly approaching and Serra's followers became worried as to what would happen when it came to pass.

2nd Metza

1001 AF 2000 AF

  • 1: 2
    The First Era of Night

    The New Metza ushered in a giant planet-wide storm that blotted out the sky, this of course we know today is periapsaic event, brought on by Faeriel having reached the lowest point of her orbit, this stirs up an enormous storm in the atmosphere that remains even after she has receded away due to Aery Magic buildup in the atmosphere. These magically charged clouds block sunlight. The changes to the night sky would necessitate the invention of a new Calendar.

  • 1004 :2


    Broken Age of Pagaema

    A few years after darkness fell on Wyndelkynd, The Empires of Pagaema collapsed. Anxiety and Isolationism lead to the destruction of their central governments.

  • 1048 :2


    Founding of The Orange Empire

    The Disparate Orange Islands would be united after the arrival of night. Orange society managed to resist the drastic changes brought by the era of night, and The Great Conqueror (name goes here) rose to unite the Orange Empire of Night. This Empire would go on to establish colonies elsewhere in the world, exporting Oranges, the secret to their survival providing it to the native in exchange for their resources and alliegience. Unlike Empires before it, The Orange Empire was highly decentralised.

8th Metza

7001 AF and beyond

  • 7001 AF

    Mohichelzi announces The Second Extraterrestrial Ascension

    Mohichelzi, leader of the new Idyllic Faerie Party declares the return of Wyndelkynd's attention to the stars.