Regartfaelian Ethnicity in Oleanus | World Anvil


Regartfaelians have proliferated across the southern continent, and held reign so long it is unclear if any other peoples ever occupied the land before them.   The palest people of Oleanus, the Regartfaelian have white to pinkish skin, light colored eyes, and hair.  Red heads, blonds and sandy brunettes are common across the country.  Though taller than their neighbors to the north, Regartfaelians often fall short compared to the peoples of the east, but come in a widest variety of body shapes of anyone win the world.


Major language groups and dialects

Olean is the common language spoken across Regartfael on both sides of the Belt.

Shared customary codes and values

As the ruling house of Regartfael spread their influence across the land that would bear their name, they brought their faith in the Lord and the Light with them.  The tenants of the Eyes of Light became the backbone of the nation's values.   Despite Eyes of Light advocating for empathy, kindness and charity, Regartfaelians have no issue holding others - usually foreigners in bondage.

Common Dress code

While the fashion trends among the upper class and nobility can change drastically from season to season, most fads are build upon the foundational looks of a long gown on women and jacket and trousers for men.   After several generations of being hassled or accused of theft by their employers, the serving class has taken to wearing short sleeves, dresses that fall to the shins and leg wraps over trousers.

Art & Architecture

Nearly all high art in Regartfael is sponsored by the majority religion, the Eyes of Light.  Because of this, sculptures, paintings, writing and songs are religious in nature.   This trend continues into architecture.  Most buildings across the country are built with the most available resource, by the most simplistic plan.  The only structures built with aesthetic sensibilities are those belonging to the family, or temples of the Lord and the Light.


Beauty Ideals

Current beauty trends in Regartfael favor extravagance.  Men catch attention with embellished jackets, ruffled sleeves and cravats and showing off two-leather trousers.  Women favor elaborate structured hairstyles, high collars, and a new curious trend of dying their hands and arms, a look inspired by the laundresses and dyers in their service.

Gender Ideals

The gender roles in metropolitan Regartfael are binary, with strict expected positions.
While men are free to take work in any field that pleases them, women are expected to stay in the home and tend to children.  However, women of nobility are seen outside the home, socializing with other wives in the marketplace and while attending social functions.   Outside of the cities and among lower classes, the genders are more equitable.  Because of the need for income, women work alongside the men, usually in the same profession as their husband, brother or fathers.

Courtship Ideals

Most noble relationships are arranged between prominent families, with little courtship involved.  It is not uncommon for the couple to meet the morning of their ceremony.   People of the lower classes have more freedom in choosing a partner, usually marrying someone from their neighborhood or village.   According to the Eyes of Light, marriage is overseen directly by the Lord and the Light, and thus ceremonies are only performed with the approval of the Eyes of Light.  Fathers of Light will refuse to perform ceremonies for any pairing they feel are influenced by the Shadow.

Relationship Ideals

Upper class relationships are rarely made for love, though love might blossom between the couples.  Women generally hope to be married to a man with an even temper and a sense of loyalty; while men simply wish their bride has pretty face and doesn't bore them.   Lower classes more often marry for love.  Among both genders the ideal relationship is one of stability and provision.
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