

Nearly all of the settlers of Corinth III originated in South Asia, primarily from India, with others coming from surrounding countries such as Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. When the settlers arrived, they found the planet already occupied by the Veela. They thawed a large group of genetically engineered soldiers, expecting to have to pacify the alien population. The Veela turned out to be peaceful and even shared the secrets of Rectifier magic with the humans. War broke out between those settlers that still sought to subjugate the Veela and those that thought they could live together in harmony. By the time the conflict had been settled in favor of those that desired peace, the Scream destroyed the Terran Mandate. The breakdown of technology meant the loss of those settlers still in cryogenic stasis. The population that remains today is descended entirely from those artificially superior human soldiers and the culture's focus on biotech has only enhanced their beauty.   Offworlders are somewhat more common on Corinth due to tourism and the large contingent of immigrants hoping to make it in the entertainment industry.   A note about Ethnicity.


House Aphrodite keeps a modest fleet of starships for personal defense. Of more concern to a potential invader, all Corinthians are descended from genetically engineered soldier stock. House Aphrodite focuses on physical beauty and fitness is an important component of that; citizens are as likely to take a martial arts class to stay fit as they are a dance class or yoga. Though peaceful and superficial on the surface, natives of Corinth never entirely lost their martial tradition.

Industry & Trade

Due to the unusually high percentage of fit, beautiful people on Corinth, it should come as no surprise that House Aphrodite is the largest exporter of entertainment in the sector. Every settlement has an entertainment corp devoted to producing, managing, and promoting singers and trideo stars. Talented and beautiful people come from all over the sector hoping to make it big and average people come to see where their favorite show is made. Tourism is the second largest source of income for House Aphrodite after entertainment export and offworlders are welcome all over the planet. Offworlders are subject to constant small-scale exploitation as tourists, however, and only offwordlers are eligible to perform most jobs involving menial labor. Due to labor restrictions, most rural farming communities on Corinth III are comprised almost entirely of offworlders, with the few native locals working in hospitality or prostitution. It isn't unusual for Corinthians to exhibit mild prejudice toward those that are merely average looking and a native may be surprised to see an average individual in a position of public-facing authority.   Corinth is the current leader in advanced biotechnology research, having usurped that title from House Apollo following the Heretic War. Gene treatments for disease, beauty, and health are all readily available at House Aphrodite facilities all over the sector, while on Corinth research on Arcanotech cyberware replacements has been making promising strides. Corinthian biotech experts are often retained as consultants by House Hephaestus companies specializing in cyberware development or implantation. House Aphrodite has been careful not to let their research stray over the line into maltech, such as the genetic and chemical compliance gene-tech that resulted in the destruction of House Apollo.   In addition to its well known entertainment industry, Corinth also has a lucrative--if seldom spoken of--side export. Custom built Android VIs with vat-grown flesh are imported en masse from House Hephaestus, reprogrammed to be pleasure bots, then exported to hedonists and whorehouses all over the sector.


The population of Corinth is divided into dozens of moderately sized cities and countless rural communities. Nearly all of the communities are contained on a single continent, which sprawl outward from its lone starport. The Veela were initially isolated on a neighboring continent but now have several small communities near the largest human settlements.

Natural Resources

Despite having abundant flora and fauna, Corinthians are forced to rely on Terran crops and livestock due to the immiscible nature of the native organisms. Early colonists considered genetically engineering themselves to be capable of digesting the proteins common in native Corinthian life but opted against it for fear of unforeseen complications, such as the possibility of starvation if the treatments rendered them unable to process Terran food.
878 Million
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Exports Imports
Cultural Agricultural
Medical Livestock
Biotech Sapient


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