
The Skinless

Veela as PCs

Players can choose to play as a Veelan PC. Attributes, skills, background, and equipment are all chosen as usual. Given their primitive society, some thought should be given to the selection of background and equipment packages, particularly if they fall outside that which makes sense for a primitive character. Perhaps the PC received training from Aphroditans or maybe this isn't their first trip among the stars. Veelan PCs do not get a free Focus pick; instead they gain the following traits automatically:  


Veela can shapeshift as per the Biopsionic technique Metamorph. Unlike a biopsion, Veelans require no Effort to activate this ability and may use it as many times per day as they wish. All other restrictions apply, including the use of a Main Action, the inability to fly, and the mass of the form being with 50% of their own. In addition, while a Veela may imitate another person with a hair or blood sample, as per the Metamorph technique, they always fail DNA scans due to the imperfect, fragmented nature of their genetics. At GM discretion, a TL3 examination or a cursory scan from a TL4 device may not notice the imperfect DNA or may detect the Veela as the individual in question but diagnose them with a variety of horrible cancers.   Players that wish to emphasize the shapechanging abilities of the Veela are encouraged to take the Rectifier class.  


Veela possess innate telepathy which they can use to communicate with any intelligent creature they see. The target may speak telepathically with the Veela in return and the two need not share a language. This may not function with a particularly alien species, at the GM's discretion. They possess no other telepathic abilities and may not communicate with a creature that makes even a cursory attempt to block their telepathy.   Veela PCs begin play with one extra point of Effort, which they may use to fuel psychic abilities, should they possess any. If a Veela is a Psychic, they must increase Telepathy to at least level-0 proficiency. If they are a Partial Psychic or take the Psychic Training Focus, they must choose to learn Telepathy.  

Natural Rectifiers

Veela have a natural understanding of Rectifier magic; according to legend, they were the progenitors of it. If a PC takes the Rectifier or Partial Rectifier class, they are able to sustain one extra Change. This comes with a significant drawback however: no Veela is capable of learning any other magical tradition. At the GM's discretion, this prohibition may be relaxed to allow the selection of the Yama King or Free Nexus classes. No Veela may be a War Mage, Pacter, or Godhunter.

Basic Information


If the Veela have a true form, it is unknown as no human as ever seen one born. It is assumed that they are basically humanoid in appearance, as they almost never deviate far from the human norm. Veela typically appear similar to humans, but with brilliantly hued skin and hair. The colors seem to be chosen by the individual based on things in nature they find most beautiful. Beyond that, individual Veela may exhibit unusual eyes, extra arms, wings, or even more unusual attributes. Particularly creative or beautiful displays are often mimicked by others in a community, a practice which seems similar to fashion in humans.

Genetics and Reproduction

The method of reproduction employed by the Veela is unknown. Some speculate that they engage in some form of asexual reproduction. Others argue that they have witnessed Veela with reproductive organs, though it is unknown if these are natural or a result of mimicking the appearance of humans. Small Veelans have been witnessed from time to time. It is unknown if these are children; inquiring about their origin is apparently a distasteful subject among Veelans.   Genetic tests have met with failure. Veelan genetic code seems to alter whenever they shapeshift, making it impossible to determine what their core genetic code might be, if any. Some biologists speculate that DNA may not be a part of them and that their basic biological mechanisms depend on something else entirely. As the aliens do not appear to be native to Corinth, examination of the wildlife has yielded no clues.   The strange breaks and gaps in Veelan genetic code does seem to be unique to individuals, rather like a fingerprint. This makes it possible to identify individuals with a scan, a technology that has become vitally important given their fluid physical nature and their strange relationship with identity. Any TL4 genetic scanner may be modified to suit this role with a difficulty 8 Program roll.

Ecology and Habitats

Due to their ability to shapechange, Veelans are able to tolerate much more extreme climates than humans. It is unknown what sort of climate their homeworld might have had, as the aliens seem to recall little of their history. They are able to consume native Corinthian flora and fauna and obtain nourishment from it. They are also able to do so with species native to Old Terra. As the two types of life are immiscible to one another, it seems likely that this ability is a further outgrowth of their shapechanging abilities rather than a clue to their native biology.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Veelans are tribal in nature. They revere their elders and rule of individual villages is typically in the hands of a wise, old member of the species. Some of the elders claim to be several centuries old and have memories from before the Scream.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Veelans are primarily clustered on the opposite side of Corinth III from the majority of human cities. That said, many small settlements have sprung up around the major human cities for the purpose of trade.

Average Intelligence

Appear to be roughly on par with human intelligence. Their technical understanding is much lower however, as their culture is fairly primitive. They are effectively a TL1 society, though they seem familiar with guns and basic human technology.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Veela have no language of their own; they communicate with one another via telepathy. They can communicate with humans this way as well, though the savvy often choose to use speech so as not to unnerve their visitors. Whether the Veela have vocal cords innately or simply choose to form them the same way they do any of their other unusual attributes is a matter of some debate. All Veela are capable of shapeshifting to some degree. The particularly talented among them are able to further push the limits of this ability with Rectifier magic, a practice they taught to the early Aphroditans. The ability to focus psionic energy into magic seems very common among the Veela, but they always manifest as Rectifiers. It seems likely they know no other tradition of magic. Psionic abilities have considerably more variety.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The concept of an individual name is a foreign concept to the Veela. They seem to instinctively identify one another by their psychic resonance and have no need of names in the human sense. When interacting with humans, most Veela choose to adopt a human name which they wear with pride. Due to the fluidity of their appearance, this can cause confusion in humans as the Veela expect humans to recognize them regardless of their current face.

Gender Ideals

The concept of gender has no meaning in Veelan society. They typically imitate one gender or another but are also capable of appearing androgynous.

Average Technological Level

Veelan industry is Tech Level 1: pre-gunpowder. They primarily use water and wind power when automation is needed and they make weapons out of a sharpened crystal native to Corinth. Despite this, most Veelans understand up to Tech Level 2 equipment with ease and have some familiarity with TL3 and TL4 equipment. Computers are foreign to them however and it is a rare Veelan indeed who understands why one might need such a device, let alone know how to use one.


The Veela hail from some other planet far from here. That much is known. Scholars speculate it may be outside Olympus Rho but it is impossible to ascertain the truth of it. Though some Veela are centuries old, with memories that predate the Scream, their society was destroyed by the event far more thoroughly than human civilization. Every member of the Veela is psychic and the Scream was effectively a holocaust for them. According to their legends, nine out of every ten Veelans died in the initial event and many more would perish in the chaos that followed. With so many dead, the history of the Veela and the technology base they had before has been lost for all time. All that can be said for certain is that the Veela on Corinth crash-landed during the Scream and that those that inhabit the world today are the survivors of that calamity. Modern scholars note that Aphrodite learned the secrets of Rectifier magic from the Veela, meaning that they lived on Corinth in their current, primitive state long before the Scream and the ensuing Silence. Theories abound: that the Scream propagated at different rates for different species, that the Veela were somehow tossed through time, that the species hides some grave and terrible secret. To date, no satisfying conclusion has been found. Today, the Veela seem in no rush to return to the stars. They live in primitive communities, in harmony with nature, and seemingly at peace. Whatever motivated their ancestors, it is no longer a concern to the modern Veela. That said, young members of the species do occasionally sign on with human tradeships and seek their destiny in Olympus Rho. The rest of the Veela seem to hold these expatriates no ill will.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Veela are friendly with humans and do not seem particularly inclined to war. They do hunt Corinthian wildlife with crystalline spears however and have been known to use small daggers or swords to defend themselves from human or animal aggression. They prefer not to kill, when possible, but will do so to save themselves or a tribemate.
Biologically immortal
Conservation Status
Due to the Veela's comparatively primitive society and the great debt that House Aphrodite‌ owes to them, the aliens are fiercely protected. They live in their own small communities and contact with them is forbidden unless accompanied by an Aphroditan noble.
Average Height
Variable; within human range
Average Weight
Variable; within human range


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