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While other civilizations would claim the title, Kaender were actually the first refined society in the broad sense. Kept isolated to the main continent of Omiralon until early in the Age of Wonder by the cliffs and caldera forest that hides Rinewood , they built a peaceful harmony with their surroundings and population. Many believe Qhiriles had a strong hand in the path of Kaender as a people, wishing to use them as an ideal for what a civilization could achieve.   When Humans discovered the Kaender in their perpetual drive for exploration, a large shift swept across the continent. Where the majority of the peoples were more sophisticated in the area of self-governance, it was the Kaender that brought the fineries of life to the continent, though at a significant cost. The Humans, arguably the most barbaric at the time, saw the relative ease of life in Kaender society and sought to mimic the pace via the materials, tools, and general domestication the Kaender enjoyed in everyday life; niceties such as dedicated eating utensils and vessels were quickly adopted and spread across the continent to other peoples as well.   The cost Kaender, however, was significant. Where their society was primarily based on a peaceful, stationary attitude before, the tales of the human's exploits and travels stoked the innate curiosity in the Kaender, leading to what is now commonly known as the Kaender Wanderlust. Where they previously had no intention of traveling outside their own lands, suddenly Rinewood was less a closed society and more an occasional hub and meeting place for its individually nomadic people.   Naturally, the spreading of the Kaender way of life greatly benefited Omiralon as a whole, with all other groups adopting and quickly adapting the new practices and lifestyle additions, while the Kaender culture and civilization has since been mostly static, with only mild advancements.
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