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Kion is the jewel by the sea. Her walls are high and strong, guarded by the most learned mages in all the world. She is the center of Northern trade, the most peaceful city in our age.
— Arlatha Greyjor, Prominent Kionite bard


Kion is primarily a human city, though its demographics are diverse. All races can be found in Kion, including Teiflings and Kender, which are both questioned upon arrival and are only allowed to stay upon being recorded on a "known travellers" list. Wealth classes vary greatly. The city has pockets of very wealthy merchants and nobles in the "Hill District" overlooking the bay, and also slums with people living in poverty on the south side of the city between two of the main gates. The largest portion of the population is middle class, however, as most of the mages in the tower fall into this category, and they make up the bulk of the city's population. Professionally, trade is good and there are many opportunites in many industries from Farming and fishing, to Smithing and Tailoring, all the way to Priesthood and Legal Advocation.


The city, or more accurately, the 15 noble families in the city, swear fealty to the Alquath family and their kingdom, who live in their separate castle and town to the Southwest. The noble families each oversee sections of industry and collect taxes from the city's inhabitants to upkeep the city's infrastructure, such as the roads and irrigation systems. The Mages, notably, do not swear fealty to King Alquath, but understand that their symbiotic relationship with the city and the ability to trade with it's inhabitants is convenient to their ends. Thus, their Orders have allowed the city to grow around them. However, neither The Academy nor the city are under any illusions of which group would be the victor should they suddenly be at odds, even if the subject is reasonably taboo.


The walls that surround Kion are the city's main erected defense, and it is lined with ballistae and mounted Trebuchets, despite not having seen use for over 100 years. The more effective defense is the The Tower of Tereos . The Tower, home to the Mages of the Academy, can be seen for many miles into the surrounding countryside, but has no visible outward defences.  
The Tower of Tereos is an everpresent reminder that attacking Kion would be to bring all of the continent's known magic users down upon your head.
— Athalos Sedon, Academy Archmagius
20,637, not including mages
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