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Oksana Battlehorn

Oksana Battlehorn

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Short but very stout

Body Features

Doesn't wear armor, has some hide, skins, and cloths on

Facial Features

Blazing red hair and nicely groomed beard with some beadwork

Identifying Characteristics

Very large shiny great axe always protruding above her head from behind.

Special abilities

Rage, Unarmored Defense, Reckless Attack, Danger Sense, Divine Fury, Warrior of the gods, Extra attack, Dwarven resilience, Shelter of the faithful, Stonecutting

Apparel & Accessories

Somehow is carrying way more weapons than a normal adventurer

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Being hill dwarfs, Oksana's grandparents lived in a small settlement near the outskirts of Kjallaksholl. They owned a booming smithy until a large band of human pirates attacked with no warning and brought no mercy to the dwarves of Kjallaksholl and nearby villages. Oksana's paternal grandparents lost their livelyhood when the village was razed, but they also lost their oldest son that day, Oksana's uncle Jesum Battlehorn. Brave Jesum died as a hero should - fighting these scalawags. Oksana was not yet born and never got to meet him.  After the attack was over and the pirates were driven back, Oksana's grandparents and her father, Grundel, settled in Kjallaksholl proper, which accepted refugees. This provided a more fortified position with the mountain dwarf brethren and the dwarves were able to start rebuilding together as a community, vowing to remember this day. Oksana's grandparents rebuilt their smithy within the city and soon her father inherited the business as he proved himself to be a very able-bodied blacksmith with a passion for good craftsmanship. Grundel soon met another refugee, Sandela, a strong and pretty dwarven woman of great character - she was a priestess of Aoqos, The Wanderer . They shared many hardships and great memories together and decided they were meant to be, so they got married. A decade later, Oksana was born - the firstborn of this happy couple. As a child, Oksana grew up hearing stories about her uncle Jesum, his brave acts, and his truly admirable character. She sorely wished she could have been able to meet him and holds him in very high regard as her personal example of what a hero is to this day. Oksana also grew up around the temple of Aoqos helping her mother with priestly chores and she took up reading about the deeds of Aoqos and the vast adventures the wide world holds. She was in awe and developed a yearning feeling for the next trip out of the city which would mean she would be able to see new lands. Oksana sparred with the boys more than she probably should have and as a teenager, she was able to beat most of them unarmed. It never sat right with Oksana that her grandparents just took the defeat that day and never went out to show the pirates what's waiting for them should they ever decide to head back and pillage once more. Rebuilding a community was more important, they said. So Oksana grew restless at times but tried to hold it in as best she could. Her parents and two younger brothers, Gordon Battlehorn and Ramden Battlehorn, could always see she was bothered by a life spent entirely underground. So, on her 51st birthday, Grundel surprised Oksana with her very own greataxe, crafted by Grundel himself - truly a one of a kind masterpiece crafted for his daughter with love. With this encouragement, the Battlehorn family let Oksana go to pursue her own adventures and be the hero she wished to be. The dragonborn cleric of Aoqos, Iloska, who had been a long friend of Oksana's mother, and a good merchant escort for grundel on his occasional trips to sell his crafts, was on his own quest to be an adventurer, so the Battlehorn family sent their daughter along with their trusted friend on the road to glory, riches, and heroism.

Gender Identity

Is a strapping lady dwarf with a nicely groomed beard. Identifies as exactly that - a strapping lady dwarf with a nicely groomed beard.


She hasn't really met anyone she's really interested in yet, so she doesn't know. She thought that someone like Reinhardt Goodwin was her ideal match, but now, she doesn't know that anyone is at all, because they could be lying about their morals.


Has had formal scooling in reading and writing in Common, Dwarvish, Draconic, and Giant languages. Learned much about Aoqos and his ways from the priestess Sandela in Kjallaksholl. She was schooled in how to make basic weapons and how to keep them shiny as new.


Adventurer under the well known band called Dim, Dark, Hazy and Associates; equal shares partner of the tavern temple the Holy Grale

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Acolyte of Aoqos
  • Slayer of Displacer Beasts
  • Exterminator of Mind Flayers
  • Basher of Masonry
  • Buster of drug cartels

Failures & Embarrassments

See "Mental Trauma"

Mental Trauma

    Early on in her adventures, the dragonborn cleric of Aoqos, Iloska, who had been a long friend of Oksana's mother was killed by an evil wizard and Oksana could not stop it. The masterpiece greataxe her blacksmith father, Grundel, crafted for her disintegrated by the hand of an evil god, Beus Os' Bar, and Oksana could not stop it. She was powerless. The evil god who disintegrated her beloved Greataxe of Pummeling posed as her life long hero, Reinhardt Goodwin - the paladin of all that is good and just and the protector of the weak. This left her weary and enraged that creatures of such evil power exist and torment the living in such deceitful ways. She vows to stop these creatures at all costs, because if not her, then who?

Intellectual Characteristics

    Oksana grew up around the temple of Aoqos in Kjallaksholl helping her mother with priestly chores and she took up reading, mostly about the great deeds of Aoqos and the vast adventures the wide world holds. Oksana actually rather enjoys reading (mostly action and adventure tales and books) and is writing her own journal of her party's adventures.

Morality & Philosophy

As an acolyte of Aoqos, and someone born in a family who lived through trauma caused by wicked pirate gangs, she believed in organized society and the strength that came from being Lawful Good. Then she got screwed by one too many evil beings with deceitful magical powers, so now she believes it is her personal duty to slay such beings and prevent them from hurting others, no matter what. This has changed her alignment to Chaotic Good.


Her temper runs hot. She is easily riled up and it takes convincing from her friends to make her back down from giving bullies a good thrashing. She hates pirates as they have caused her family such harm, and now she hates the wicked, especially those with deceitful magical powers.

Personality Characteristics


Bathes every week or so - she doesn't always think she needs it. She usually bathes more often when she's covered head-to-toe in gore. However, her hair and beard are always shiny, neat, groomed well and smelling comforting (not smelling very nice, exactly, but just not having a specific scent). When she gets food in her beard, she always cleans it up right away.


Family Ties

Located in Kjallaksholl: Grundel Battlehorn (father) Sandela Battlehorn (mother) Gordon Battlehorn (younger brother) Ramden Battlehorn (youngest brother)

Religious Views

Acolyte of Aoqos

Social Aptitude

For some reason, she's rather ok at holding conversations and making friends (see "mannerisms" and "hobbies")


Doesn't fully understand ettiquette - thinks it's elvish mumbo-jumbo, really. Is known to burp, fart, yawn, pick her teeth and nose in public unapologetically. Thinks most things are food until proven otherwise.

Hobbies & Pets

She likes eating things that taste ok, collecting weapons, keeping said weapons shiny, hanging out with her best buds from DDH&A, handing out special brochures of Aoqos she makes herself in her spare time to potential converts (and anyone else really), reading, writing, drinking and brewing ale, attempting to cook potential food, bashing through solid wood, bashing through solid rock, bashing through skulls, and bashing through basically anything


She generally communicated with others in Common, since that is, well most ... common... But she writes in all the languages she knows. After all, she keeps a stack of Aoqos brochures and must always have it restocked.

Wealth & Financial state

She's not poor - she's an adventurer!

A loyal acolyte of Aoqos who enjoys a good ale, good food, great friends, adventure, and thoroughly smashing literally anything with her Greataxe of Pummeling

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Current Residence
"The Holy Grale" of Bonvenon
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4ft 4in
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish, Draconic, Giant