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The Tower of Tereos

The Tower of Tereos is the center of magic in the known world. Anyone wishing to become a Mage (Wizard in class terms) will make the journey here, to enter The Academy .

Purpose / Function

Originally, the tower was meant to be a simple community hub for the mages in the region to gather and share information, but it quickly became the academic institution it is now known to be.


While an impressive structure, the pure physical space inside the tower would not be able to contain the sheer number of mages and staff the tower requires. As a result, the tower has been altered magically to house much more space than it would appear, via extradimensional pockets placed in sections of the tower that would be otherwise unusable as any sort of inhabitable space. Following an unfortunate mishap with an initiate who accidentally wandered through such a portal into a precarious moment of magical experimentation, doors opening inward into the corridors such that the portals to the extradimensional space lie just between a given door and the wall behind it were installed to prevent further issues. A council of mages is specifically tasked with maintaining both the doors and the portals for further safety.
Founding Date
Sakal, 112 AO
Alternative Names
The Arcanaeum
College / Academy
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Resident Population

The Tower houses between 3000 and 5000 mages at any given time, with an additional 1000 to maintain the cultivated garden grounds surrounding the tower.


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