Blain Eims

(a.k.a. Bane)

Missing father, husband, and sailor of the east coast of Lokrea . He quickly got the name bane, as he was the bane of any pirate who thought his ship was easy pickings. His wife was Fayette Eims and the daughter he never got to see born, is Lia Eims  In his prime, Blain was local fame of Leilon as the captain of the ship, The Harvester . Originally a fish monger by trade, his initial desire to provide for his wife propelled him to work long arduous hours until the ship he traded from became his own. The first time pirates tried to take on this ship, his otherwise untrustworthy crew suddenly saw their captain in a way they never have before. He got the name Bane on that day.   A couple months later, him and his crew started taking mercenary jobs or protection, and made even more money than there fishing. One day a group of mages approached him with all the coin his family would have needed to retire and move somewhere safe for his wife and coming child. They wanted his ship to escort them to the edge of the Everstorm. His ship set sail in the year 599 of the 3rd Era, and was never seen again.


Fayette Eims


Towards Blain Eims

Blain Eims


Towards Fayette Eims

578 3E 599 3E 21 years old
Circumstances of Death
Missing at sea with his crew.
Fayette Eims (spouse)


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