Fissure of Shadows Physical / Metaphysical Law in Onil | World Anvil

Fissure of Shadows

With brief moments of order or at least the attempt of order, the kingdom of Learous has been broken since before the Battle of the Eras. Kethel is a thriving city but it does not hold control over its vast western lands like the kingdom had in the past     Though not the oldest, Learous was certainly one of the substantial kingdoms in Onil. The Vast Woods had long since become impossible to traverse and live to tell the tale, and so many people approaching from the east or from the south, found the most convenient harbors to either be Iraebor in the kingdom of Loi, or Kethel City of Learous. Kethal wasn't the capital at that time though, for there was an even more substantial hold much further inland, with several natural defensive advantages that kept it safe for hundreds of years.    Kex once stood proudly on the eastern plains of Learous, but one day it had vanished. In it's place was a massive fissure that, to this day, nobody has found the bottom of.    Now dubbed the Fissure of Shadows, it has about as many rumors around it's appearance as there are years since it's appeared. Many people say that the people or leaders of Kex had sinned against their god and fell into the deepness of the hells as punishment. Nobody can agree on who those gods may have been though. Three different archives have records on Kex and their all different from each other. But the record of the Fissures appearance is not shrouded in the same mystery. There were many survivors from the event and their tales are similar enough to have a fairly confident story painted into history.    As day broke one morning, a spider-like set of cracks suddenly appeared with a deafening cracking sound, all weaving away from the city's hold and stretching out of town in seven different directions. a red glow eminated from the tracks and turned the clouds above a pinkish hue as it fought with the reflection of the nearby resoviour, and screaming could be heard from every part of the opening.    men and women could be seen running out of the hold, seemingly on fire. none of the would survive to explain themselves as the earth fell under them and a great darkness consumed the entire structure as it tumbled below. The cracks extending out into the rest of the city widened with continually louder screams to accompany them and more and more city structure was lost to the abyss.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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