Neverwinter Headsman

Not all jobs are famed in the city of Neverwinter, actually, few of them are. The role of the Public Headsman is a necessity but a reviled one. People will happily come to the city square to be entertained by an execution, but as to the person themselves that do the deed, they are avoided by all, and thought of very lowly.   In smaller towns, Headsman also run the tasks of preparing the body and maintaining the graveyard, as well as the actual event. They are socially banished to a homestead a bit away from the town or village, and are spat upon or straight up denied entry in many homes and businesses.   In larger cities, Headsmen blend in a bit better, given the wider range of species, attitudes, and work that is found amongst them. They pay is still not good by any means, and they still can't expect to get into the finer inns and shops. They might have a simple home in the poor parts of the city.   If they have no desire for a place of their own, the city they work for will most commonly pay a local temple, or in the most extreme cases, an inn, to house the headsman. It is also possible that they might be found simply within the castle walls, which is usually the best and rarest of opportunities for a Headsman.
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