The Lómelindi Treaty Document in Onil | World Anvil

The Lómelindi Treaty

The Battle of the Eras took a toll on all of Onil. During the invasion, entire cities were cleared out, orcs were almost extinguished from every land, and hundreds of communities were forced to live by elven customs. When the Titan Warforged were released at the top of the Era Peaks, landscaped changed as they walked the earth and leveled it. Craters were created from their steps and later became lakes that supported future villages that became towns, then cities. The ancestry of Gnomes was never the same after all the sacrifices they took creating the titans, and bitterness toward the elves of Vrofmas was set into their hearts and holds to this day for much of their people.    The aftermath was arguably just as impactful. The invading force found themselves cleared from the face of Onil in many cases. So many others were banished back to Vrofmas. Most of their vessels, the Leutha Kantai, were broken to pieces in the fists of the titans and they were forced to sail away from the coasts of the many continents and islands on unfamiliar ships, causing even more deaths as they were not designed to make it through the harsh waters as they neared Vrofmas  Some, though, faced death or banishment and said no to both. Whether defeated forces of the invading army or innocents who had called these lands their home their entire lives, they refused to flee. Even half-elves were counted amongst these numbers who were in danger. They instead went underground. These would be the founding members of what we now call the Drow, but that is another story. Many other people were displaced, since when the elves were banished to Vrofmas, most non-elven ancestories were banished away from the continent-sized island in retaliation. Many communities of humans and halflings who called the woods home were evicted aggressively, though it's noted that many left or were killed at the beginning of the invasion anyway. One of the great dwarven sky citadels lay against the volcano off the coasts of Vrofmas and the entire city was forcibly emptied and though they were later welcomed back, they are many relics that, to this day, the elves are blamed for their disappearance from the city during the dwarven absence.    There was a sense of urgency for at least a decade after the war, and there were several skirmishes in the oceans or on the coasts as additional small raiding parties from Vrofmas tried to come to other lands but in other cases, just plain misunderstandings turned into bloodshed because of how on-edge everybody was. Following those first few years though, hundreds of years passed with relative peace. The Warforge Titans stilled and never re-awakened, most every civilization was focused on rebuilding infrastructure before they could even begin to consider significant trade again, and the Dragonborn were involved in every diplomatic conversation down to the smallest land dispute to ensure it didn't morph into a war. There was an open bounty on elves and a banishment on half elven folk. A group of surviving orcs originating from Acua became well known for rooting out and killing elven communities. They relished in the retribution for their race's genocide during the war and came to be known as the Sylvan Scourge    This was the state of Onil for hundreds of years. Wounds healed eventually though, and the banished folk in Vrofmas consistently showed their remose in all kinds of ways. As time passed, the leaders of almost every kingdom in Lokrea, AcuaTressuin, and Villion  started to look forward toward a unified world again. They started to discuss a treaty.    With the heavy support of the Dragonborn of Parlethra, a day was planned in the old elven city of Iraebor on the eastern coast of Lokrea. What would later be known as the 1st day in the third era, an extremely tense presence was made by every leader in every land of Onil including those residing over Vrofmas, them being the first to legally step foot onto land outside of Vrofmas in over a thousand years. The only absence that evening was representation from any gnomish community. They had not overcome the losses that they had incured all that time ago in the invasion and refused to parlay. When the treaty was still signed and they were overruled in every land, they chose to retreat deep into the mountains instead of becoming surrounded by elven communities on all sides.

Document Structure


  • All elven peoples, including those with any amount of elvish blood in their lineage, shall be permitted onto the lands of Villion, Lokrea, Acua, and Tressuin.
  • All ancestories of people are permitted again onto the lands of Vrofmas
  • The dwarven nations shall be given freely their sky citadel on the volcanic island off the western coasts of Lokrea
  • The city of Iraebor will be re-established, with an elven king or queen as it's first leader in the third era
  • The Sylvan Scourge will cease to receive support from any kingdom in this treaty, and the murder of an elf shall be considered the same as the murder of any other sentient being in the lands stated above. 
  • The Leutha Kantai will not sail outside of the waters of Vrofmas.
  • The Elven leaders of Vrofmas will lend their support to any willing Drow community, alongside the local leader of any area where such a community resides. 
  • Within 5 years of this treaty, a person of elven descent will be placed on in the castle of every kingdom. A human, a dwarf and a dragonborn will be added to the council in @vrofmas
  • Publication Status

    The treaty was written in the common tongue during the meeting. Immedietely after it was copied into large stone tablets. It was written in Sylvian on one, and placed at the docks in Iraebor. The second one was written in Common, and returned with the leaders of Vrofmas to be stationed at a dock along the coast of Vrofmas. When that was completely. Many scribes stayed in Iraebor days or weeks after, making copies in their common tongue to take back with them to their homeland. Some simply have it available for viewing upon request, or at least for reference by the leaders, while others display it proudly in a public place
    Treaty, Diplomatic
    Authoring Date
    Year 1, day 1 of the third era


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