Ventus Anima the new master of Phandalin 5.25.20

General Summary

The party began the session just having finished clearing out the redbrand hideout for the third and hopefully final time. They found an older human farmer by the name of Eskel Hafen, and chose to bring him back to the Edermath Orchard. The family was able to embrace and then made there way back into town while the party spoke with Daran Edermath for just a moment.   The party establishes that Halia Thornton is still tied up and waiting for the party to bring her to Neverwinter for a fair and just trial. Daran Edermath explains again that she must be brought there as the size of her crime forces it be handled by the law there, as Phandalin is not considered fully established yet, just a satellite of the Neverwinter crown's wishes. Daren also reminds them that Harbin Wester still needs a name to put on the deed of the mansion that they have just acquired.     After clearing the building out, the party split and did various separate activities, and pondered on their group's name until the Phandalin town meeting started that night. Argos walked around with Dan and spoke to villagers for a time. During that time, when Argos stopped by to speak to Harbin Wester, they saw a young human man (Tarren Mottley) make his way into the building to speak to the town master. Next, Argos went and found the only tobacco farmer in the village, Hoff Angsted. Argos shared a word with him and Argos gave him a small amount of coin to help facilitate a quick bounce back from his crops being destroyed.   Luke went and bought the services of the woodworker of the village, Tact Banneran . Luke requested bookshelves to be made in one of the rooms in the hideout and then went and bought the best food in town from the Stonehill Inn. He went back to the hideout upstairs in the kitchen, made himself comfortable with some incense, took of his shirt, and went to town for the next little bit in a personal siesta.   While Luke was off, Arundel also made himself known around town, meeting several folk that he had not yet in the past. One of those people was the smithy, Amarra . Not grabbing her name the first time, he soon would later. But for now he also eventually went back to the mansion and started to comb through the building in it's entirety. Arundel discovered the intent of the alchemy room, and on the same note, discovered that the potions he held were potions of invisibility.   When he went upstairs he spotted Luke Aranxius enjoying himself but continued on until he found a chest on the second floor of the crumbling ruin. The chest turned out to be a mimic but he and the shirtles Luke Aranxius eventually took care of it and Arundel found a spell tomb only slightly burned inside the deceased chest.   Ellywick went off by herself and pondered the past few days and the carnage that has taken place.     At dusk, the village gathered and just before the meeting began, Harbin Wester finally received the name of the group to place on the deed, being Ventus Anima. The meeting began and it was announced that positions would be changed and Harbin Wester would be stepping down as townmaster, and after a rowdy vote on the spot, it was decided that the next townmaster would be Breck Eastern. Next they discussed the properties in the village and they spoke for some time about the mansion. After that, the leaders notified the town that Halia Thornton was being taken away in the morning with the group to be tried in Neverwinter, and they would also like to leave with a stack of witness statements from the people to legitimize the claims against her. Arguments ensued about not killing her on the spot, eventually quieting to all but the voice of Quelline Alderleaf, who bitterly demanded she be killed here and now. She challenged the group outright but was turned down, after which she angrily left the meeting with her daughter in tow.   Given the recent argument, the leaders ended the meeting without choosing a new head of the miner's exchange, agreeing to decide that within the week. The people started making there way up to the front to give there brief reports but after Argos spoke with Breck Eastern and promised to resupply their paper, Breck Eastern brought people back to give their full extensive report. The party went and slept in their new home.   Ellywick connected with the spirit of Selune and found peace in the outcome of the conflict with Quelline Alderleaf. Ellywick was also warned of Shar's presence in Phandalin and as she scoured her mind, it was not of a source she has seen yet.   Luke connected with the raven queen through his writings. He felt lust from the experiance with Quelline Alderleaf and the feelings and emotional suffering that was caused.    In the morning they went and found Dan with Tact Banneran and discussed starting the process of rebuilding the manor. They gave Dan 285gp to handle what he could while they were gone. They then went and tied Halia Thornton to Arundel's disk and they spent the next few days travelling to Neverwinter. During that time, Arundel copied the longstrider spell into his spellbook, and Argos remained intentive at the abnormally calm and silent demeanor of Halia Thornton.   Eventually, without any hiccups, they made there way to the south gates of Neverwinter, and Argos and Luke Aranxius changed their appearance before approaching the guards at the front. Their mention of business from Phandalin brought them the unhappy human named Baldrick Bundt, though they have yet to actually get his name. After Baldrick Bundt saw the stack of papers Arundel held, he brought them to the castle gates and those gates opened to find Sildar Hallwinter standing at the other side to greet them.   Session end.

Rewards Granted

Spell tomb of Longstrider The Tresandar Manor

Created Content

Tact Banneran Eskel Hafen Amarra Hoff Angsted Tarren Mottley Breck Eastern Ventus Anima
Report Date
23 May 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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