Bane of Arachne Item in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Bane of Arachne

The Bane of Arachne is a dagger made by Master Kento in the 1070s for the rogue Gepopo. It is one of only a small handful of daggers from the swordmaker.  


Its handle is made of black walnut with silver inlays in the shape of spiderwebs. At the center of each web is a tiny diamond. The blade is approximately ten inches long and heavily serrated. Unusually for an elven blade, it is made of adamantium rather than steel.  

Swordmaker's Notes

I took an almost immediate dislike to Gepopo. She is brash, arrogant, foul-mouthed, and utterly unconcerned with tradition or tact. In fact, I turned her away more than two dozen times over the course of a year. Finally, I swore to the heavens and hells never to make her a sword. "Then make me a fucking dagger, old man," she said, and leapt at me with a hidden knife and an animal ferocity I have scarcely seen before or since. Even now, as the blade is finished, I still carry a scar from that fight beneath my chin. I drove her away a few more times before I relented, of course, but in my heart that was the day I knew she had won.   She may be a bastard through and through; she may have a lump of iron ore in her chest where an elven heart should beat. But ore can be refined, and I truly believe there is worth in Gepopo beneath her many faults. She has a tenacity and cunning that I can't help but admire, and she is a peerless fighter in close quarters. This dagger was started reluctantly, but finished with the utmost (if begrudging) respect.
Item type
Weapon, Melee


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