Master Kento Character in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Master Kento

Master Kento is a Wood Elf swordmaker who lives deep in the mountains on the border of Scalados and Draxhaven.   An undisputed master in the art of Elven Swordmaking since the late 600s, Master Kento is notoriously particular about who to craft a sword for. He is known for demanding that warriors prove their skill in battle and survival situations to him before beginning a sword. Once Master Kento has refused to make a sword, it is nearly impossible to convince him otherwise. This obstinance, combined with Master Kento's remote location and high standards for warriors, have caused a steep decline in demand for his work as the number of elven swordmakers has increased.   Danger seems to befall the bearers of Master Kento's swords more often than average. On several occasions, he has recovered swords he has forged from the Cave of Sleeping Beasts near his home. He keeps each sword he finds, in the hopes that someone worthy of wielding it or bringing it to its heir will appear.  

Known Swords

Below is a partial list of Master Kento's known swords.   730s: Butterfly Katana, made for Jio Brightblade.   920s: Blade of the Blue Rose, made for Argirio te-Lugos.   1020s: Faithful Bastard, made for Sen.   1070s: Bane of Arachne, made for Gepopo.
Year of Birth
490 Y 621 Years old

Cover image: by mezzopatricia


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Feb 20, 2022 10:46 by Patricia

Note to Butterfly: Please don't ask me to write more swords. This is it. We don't need more swords than this.