Gepopo Character in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Gepopo is a Wood Elf rogue. She holds an extensive criminal background spanning over two centuries, with various misdeeds spread across multiple aliases. She is currently the Spymaster of the Cantonova Special Forces.  



Gepopo is short for an Elf, standing only 4'8", but muscular and powerfully built. She has a wide variety of battle scars across her body, particularly her arms, face, and neck. She is also missing part of her left ear. She carries the Bane of Arachne dagger, usually prominently. 


She is unfriendly, stubborn, and quick to anger. However, she is quietly supportive and loyal to the few in her inner network. She peppers her sentences with profanity in Common, Elvish, and Sylvan. She is fond of alcohol (particularly Elvish whiskey) and Cantonovan-style brunch.


She is an excellent fighter in close-range combat, both unarmed and with a dagger. She is also a master of the mundane disguise kit.


Early Life

Gepopo was born the bastard child of an unknown Arborcítta Courtesan. Her mother disappeared when she was around 15 years old. She spent the rest of her childhood on the streets of Arborcítta, first as an urchin and later as a pickpocket and cat-burglar, until the age of 70. She eventually left the city for unknown reasons and was killed in the woods by a pack of dire wolves, only to be resurrected by a passing Cleric from Eldanír-in-Danu.   After her death, Gepopo trained as a Warrior Monk at Eldanír-in-Danu from Y909-915. Despite excelling as a student, she is permanently banned from the temple-campus grounds.  

Criminal Career

She is known to have been an agent of Angie Arrowfern's rebel forces during the Volian Revolution. Historians suspect that she was involved with the Y925 assassination of General Voorhaes. Later in the rebellion, she kidnapped arms heiress Elsa Blackhammer, which led to the renegotiation of the arms contract between the Volian royal house and the Blackhammer arms dealers. A number of other crimes across Scalados and the Aquatic Kingdoms have been attributed to Gepopo, including the murders committed in Cape Hildegard by The Wolf-Spider, but it is unclear which she was actually responsible for.  

Adventuring Career

In Y1094, she joined the adventuring party that would later be known as the Heroes of Brightwater. She was executed in Adamant in July Y1094 for the murder of Charmaine Acosta, a priest of the Order of Sarastro (see "Champagne Killer" Guillotined After Shocking Confession - Adamant Herald). The party resurrected her before the Siege of Brightwater, where she was killed again by Sir Jheronimous of the Dread Battalion and resurrected again by the party. Once revived, she stole the soul crucible of the Lich King of the Black Keep, paving the way for his final defeat.  

Royal Service

Gepopo was appointed Spymaster of the Cantonova Special Forces in Y1094, upon the retirement of her predecessor. She has held this position since, and is the longest-serving spymaster since Y1000. Most notably in her tenure, she introduced the practice of hiring bands of adventurers for certain jobs, sharing resources and intelligence with those brave (or foolhardy) enough to take on particularly dangerous missions. The most successful example of this controversial practice by far is the Dragonslayers of Cantonova.




Towards Gepopo




Towards Figaro


Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
17 April, Y838
Year of Birth
838 Y 273 Years old
Place of Death
Current Residence
grayish-brown, one with red streak
black, shoulder-length blunt bob
95 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by mezzopatricia


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