Lerue Character in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Lerue is an archfey of the Spring Court of the Feywild known as the Queen of Talking Beasts. She has a variety of woodland creatures from the Material Plane she keeps as pets; all speak Sylvan, thus earning her nickname.   Her appearance changes constantly according to her whims, but is never humanoid. Rather, she combines different parts of beasts into new forms as it pleases her: the ears of hares or bobcats, the wings and tails of exotic birds, the scales of reptiles and fish, the legs of frogs or antelopes, the manes of lions, the bills of ducks, the trunks of elephants, and many more can be seen on Lerue. Druids and other shapeshifters covet her secrets; though she has granted the occasional boon to one, it often leads to their eventual permanent transformation into an animal form.
Divine Classification


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