Lida Rose Hawthorne Character in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Lida Rose Hawthorne

Lida Rose Hawthorne (born 12 September Y800) is a Sun Elf Artificer from Cape Hildegard known for her innovative work across multiple genres of artifact, ranging from self-propelled magical vehicles to Elven Swordmaking. She is the owner of Hawthorne Garage.  



Lida Rose Hawthorne is of fairly average height for an Elf woman, standing approximately 5'2". She has deep copper skin and curly black hair, which she often keeps tied up with a scarf.


At first, Lida Rose comes off as brash, and matter-of-fact. In the cutthroat and often male-dominated world of artifice, she has had to grow a thick skin. She tends to be extremely blunt and a bit foul-mouthed, and she speaks with a heavy Gardie accent. Those who know her well, though, know that she is exceedingly warm and generous towards the people in her inner circle.


Lida Rose's versatility and skill as an artificer is unparalleled. Her primary crafting medium is metallurgy, though she is a capable woodworker, designer, and mechanic as well. Her design work tends towards bold and flashy styles with a functional base, which makes her a favorite among the gladiators of Cape Hildegard.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life and Education

Lida Rose was the third and youngest child of S. Jameson Hawthorne and Juliana Louison-Hawthorne, then the owners of longtime Cape Hildegard institution Hawthorne Garage. The Hawthorne parents had high academic expectations of all of their children, and Lida Rose quickly gained a reputation at home as the troublemaker of the family. Her one ally in the family was her older brother Julien Hawthorne.   Much to her parents' chagrin, she was a more gifted artificer than her older brothers by far. She attended the Inventor's Institute of Cape Hildegard and graduated at the top of her class. She worked for their garage for several years after her graduation.  

Banished Scholars Scandal

In Y924, Lida Rose's brother Stanford Hawthorne was banished from city limits for disturbing the peace and inciting riots with a heretical cult of Hildegard that later came to be called the Order of the Banished Scholars. The scandal ruined the Hawthorne reputation by association, and business plummeted until the family could no longer afford to run the garage. Jameson and Juliana Hawthorne burned the garage down for the insurance money and fled the city.  
"Yeeeeeeaaaaaaaah, fuckin' Stanford ruined the Hawthorne name for a cool hundred or so. This place would be nothin' if I wasn't so fuckin' good at what I do. The old Gardie families—they're not exactly fillin' up my loyalty punch card."

Self-Made Elf

With nothing left to her name but the land on which the Hawthorne Garage once stood, Lida Rose worked as many odd jobs as she could find until she could restart and rebuild the garage. She eventually had help from Julien, who returned from his training abroad in the 940s. Though the landed gentry of Cape Hildegard still refused to patronize the garage, a steady trickle of gladiators and wandering scholars were drawn by word-of-mouth to her high-quality, reasonably priced work. Today, the garage has been fully rebuilt and doubles as Lida Rose's personal residence.   Lida Rose's most famous creation is the Scholar's Sword, a weapon in the Elven Swordmaking tradition forged for Julien between Y1057 and Y1070.   Today, Lida Rose is a successful businesswoman with a thriving garage, and her works consistently win awards at trade conventions and festivals. She lives with her nephew Axel Hawthorne, who she adopted in Y1105.


Lida Rose Hawthorne

sister (Vital)

Towards Julien Hawthorne



Julien Hawthorne

brother (Vital)

Towards Lida Rose Hawthorne



Lida Rose Hawthorne


Towards Stanford Hawthorne


Stanford Hawthorne


Towards Lida Rose Hawthorne


Current Location
Date of Birth
12 September, Y800
Year of Birth
800 Y 311 Years old
Julien Hawthorne (brother)
Stanford Hawthorne (brother)
Current Residence
Hawthorne Garage, Artificer's District, Cape Hildegard

Cover image: by mezzopatricia


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