Elf Species in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Elves are the youngest of the mortal races. Each of the four races was once a tribe of humans, but each was approached by the leader of a Fey court and offered a special talent or "gift" in exchange for serving them, as well as "the gift of time."

Basic Information


Elves are a Humanoid species whose bodies are similar in form and arrangement to humans. They tend to be 3-4 inches shorter than humans on average, with long, pointed ears.   The resting heart rate of an elf ranges from 30-60 beats per minute, around half that of humans. Elves' cardiovascular systems seem to work much more efficiently than humans'. This may explain their increased life span; it also leads to oddities such as elves living for up to eight minutes after decapitation.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elves mature around three times as slowly as humans, until adulthood. They are able to benefit from the extra years of wisdom to an extent, but remain physically (and mostly mentally) childlike in pace with this rate. They are not considered adults until around 80, and even then just barely. Elves typically do not begin to show signs of senescence until their mid-to-late 400s.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elves possess darkvision. They are able to see for up to 60 feet in darkness as if it were dim light and in dim light as if it were bright light. Their hearing and sight are generally sharper than that of most humans.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The following are the four primary elven subraces, or tribes.   Sun Elf. Children of the Spring Court, they are optimistic, adventurous, and forward-thinking. It was the sun elves, sailing up from the south, who discovered what are today the Aquatic Kingdoms, Scalados, and the central Dreibach Empire. Humans' exploratory instincts (though always present) could have never reached their peak without following the sun elves' example. To a Sun Elf, the most noble thing one can do is to find a burning passion-- be it a trade, a love interest, an unbearable wanderlust, or the desire for gold and glory-- and pursue it endlessly at the highest possible level. They are found anywhere elves are found (due to their knack for exploration), but their cultural "capital" and central population hub is Urbana al-Sona, the largest and most important city in the Aquatic Kingdoms.   Moon Elf. Children of the Summer Court, they are idealistic, inquisitive, and prone to grandiosity. They hold aesthetic beauty up as a moral good in and of itself; to a Moon Elf, "truth is beauty, beauty truth; that be all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." Aquatic elves are a type of moon elf. Both are most common in Cantonova and the Near Isles; Cantonova is considered the "moon elf capital" de facto.   Wood Elf. Children of the Autumn Court, they are observant, reflective, and detail-oriented. They value honor, respect, altruism, and embracing one's role in the circle of life and the universe at large. They are known throughout the world for their intricate craftsmanship, especially in woodcarving, printmaking, and jewelry. To a wood elf, the greatest good one can do is to lay down one's life (metaphorically or literally) for a loved one in need, even if (to some especially if) said love isn't reciprocated. Most wood elves are concentrated in Scalados, with Arborcítta the traditional cultural capital of wood elf society.   High Elf. Children of the Winter Court, they are cautious, intellectual, and secretive. Their "capital" of Bjália, in northern Scalados, was destroyed by the armies of Dreibach hundreds of years ago. Most have settled in Kyolondë, Voli, or greater Scalados, with a sizeable community in Cantonova as well.   Despite their rich and vastly different cultures, elves are-- in general-- loyal to other elves. An elf of any tribe will be wholeheartedly welcomed into another tribe's society and treated as one of their own.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Elvish is a complex language with its own script and strict grammar conventions that change based on social status, occasion, and sometimes season. There are often a plurality of words for a single concept, and which one is best used depends heavily on context.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The gods of the Wild Dynasty are most commonly worshipped among elves, particularly wood elves and high elves.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
500-750 years
Average Height
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Elf

Cover image: by Art by author.


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