Staff of the Arakhi Rangatir'nghére Item in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Staff of the Arakhi Rangatir'nghére (arakxˈi raŋˈgatirǂŋgeˈɹe)

The Staff of the Arakhi Rangatir'nghére is a staff imbued with incredible holy power from the Western Woods.   Arakhi Rangatir'nghére translates in the Western Orokhim dialect to "high lord of the woods." It is an honorific title given to the most powerful Rangatira in the Woods, whose duty is to act as a faithful protector of the woods and the circles around them. Each time a new Arakhi Rangatir'nghére is elevated, a new staff is grown for them from the branches of a particularly significant tree, sung into being by the Druid craftsmen. The staff is adorned with a glass orb and peacock feathers. Once the Arakhi Rangatir'nghére has received the staff, it attunes to their emotions and blooms with plants and flowers that match its bearer's emotional state.   Upon the death of an Arakhi Rangatir'nghére, their body is buried, and one of their followers plants their staff in fertile soil above their body and speaks their name. The staff grows back into a 60-foot-tall tree of the species from which it was gathered, and continues to grow and foster life around it. Every Staff of the Arakhi Rangatir'nghére whose owner is dead is planted in the ground in this manner, and the trees that form them are holy sites sought after by pilgrims. It is said that cutting down one of these trees destroys the axe-wielder and everyone and everything around them in a blinding flash of holy light.   Only one Staff of the Arakhi Rangatir'nghére is not known to have grown into a tree: the staff of Heketoro Rangatir'kaha, who left the Western Woods upon receiving a distress call from the Fey-orc of the Wailë-Lands in Y352. Neither his body nor his staff have ever been recovered.

Gameplay Abilities

  A Staff of the Arakhi Rangatir'nghére can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff with a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with the staff, as well as a +2 bonus to all spell attack rolls from the wielder. The wielder's speed is increased by 5 feet. It requires attunement by a Cleric or Druid trusted by the druid circles of the Western Woods.   The staff has 50 charges for the following properties. It regains 2d6+2 expended charges at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20; on a 20, the staff regains 1d12 charges.   Spell Absorption. While attuned to the staff, you can use your reaction when another creature uses a spell that targets only you or a creature within 5 feet of you to absorb the magic of the spell. This cancels its effect and imbues the staff with a number of charges equal to the spell's level. If this brings the spell's charges above 50, the staff explodes.   Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend some of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability: conjure elemental (7 charges), plane shift (7 charges), wall of thorns (6 charges), wind walk (6 charges), druid grove (6 charges), Rary's telepathic bond (5 charges), mass cure wounds (5 charges), wrath of nature (5 charges), maelstrom (5 charges), dominate beast (4 charges), guardian of nature (4 charges), or speak with plants (3 charges).   You can also use an action to cast one of the following spells from the staff without using any charges: primal savagery, protection from evil and good, shillelagh, longstrider, or barkskin.   Wild Shape. If the wielder is out of uses of Wild Shape, they may expend 10 charges of the staff to regain two uses of Wild Shape. The staff also doubles the amount of time they can spend in Wild Shape per day. You may cast any of the at-will spells from the staff while in Wild Shape.   This item is based on the Staff of the Magi from the Dungeon Master's Guide, p. 203.
Item type
Weapon, Other
Related ethnicities


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