Titania Character in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Titania is the Archfey Regnant of the Summer Court of the Feywild.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Descriptions of Titania's appearance differ wildly. She is almost always roughly elven in appearance, feminine in presentation, and invariably richly dressed. Beyond that, no two depictions of her are the same. The leading theory among faerologists is that mortals always perceive her as whatever they find most beautiful. Many artistic depictions of Titania are famously based on the artist's wife or lover.


Family Ties

Titania is the daughter of Mab, who once ruled the Summer Court before the Caorthannach's reign of destruction near the beginning of the Age of Complexity.   Titania is married to Oberon, though their relationship is famously contentious. The two often serve more as political allies than anything, with Oberon having more sway over the wilder and more animalistic denizens of the Summer Court and the fey-linked forests of the Material Plane than Titania does. Still, the early passions between Titania and Oberon are frequently the subject of art and drama.   Titania often forges close relationships with mortals, albeit for short periods of time. The Summer Court's Fool of the Fey is frequently one of her lovers (though the most recent holder of the title, the Exquisite Fool, was instead sought after by her husband Oberon).
Honorary & Occupational Titles
In addition to her rule over the Summer Court, Titania is considered the ultimate regnant in Cantonova. Since the treaties worked by Silvia Almaviva in the Y400s, Titania has always entered into a partnership with Cantonova's Countess to serve as joint heads of the Council of Wargraves. However, unlike other wargraves, neither the Count nor the Countess is ever officially Beholden to Titania and Oberon.
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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