Fey Ethnicity in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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The fey are the magical creatures native to the Feywild. They are beings of pure emotion, deeply entrenched in arcana but often bound by specific rules and habits.  


Fey creatures can be further subdivided into four categories based on their intelligence and arcane ability: beathfey, talwydfey, crínnafey, and jézinfey.
  • Beathfey are similar in intelligence to ordinary animals; though they may be able to sense magic or have fur, feathers, or other physical features with magical properties, they cannot cast spells. Examples of beathfey include the Gwiingwiish, the Domovoi, and the Fey-goat.
  • Talwydfey have some capacity or innate ability for magic and rudimentary command of the Sylvan language, but are not sophisticated enough to organize into complex social structures; examples include Redcaps, Goblins, and Faerie Dragons.
  • Most fey that a mortal might speak to are crínnafey, which include Eladrin, Pixies, Sprites, Nymphs, and many other familiar figures from folklore. These fey speak intelligently (sometimes in Common or Elvish as well as their native tongue) and form complex social structures with particular codes of conduct. In addition to their innate physical magic, they are also capable of learning complex spellcasting.
  • Jézinfey are the most powerful and intelligent fey creatures of them all, typically far surpassing the average mortal's cunning and willpower. Hags, Dullahan, and elder Kitsune are jézinfey, as are all archfey.
  • Culture

    Major language groups and dialects

    The language of the fey is called Sylvan. It is distantly related to Celestial, and typically written by mortals in the same runes as elvish. When expressed nonverbally by native speakers, runes are never written, but instead plucked into existence from the Feywild's magical weave. These "written" characters float in the air like abstract runic butterflies and fade away once their purpose has been served.

    Shared customary codes and values

    The Fey come in three major categories that determine their values and allegiances: Seelie, Unseelie, and Courtless. Seelie fey, typically members of the Spring and Summer Courts, thrive on beauty, balance, and social harmony. They are typically, though not exclusively, benevolent towards mortals. Unseelie fey, typically members of the Autumn and Winter Courts, are prone to trickery and chaos, and typically pose much more danger to mortals. However, both Seelie and Unseelie fey place great importance on etiquette—though Unseelie fey are more inclined to exploit the loopholes of their group's social contracts. Courtless fey reject the concept of fealty to the archfey and live outside of etiquette codes altogether. Beathfey and talwydfey are Courtless by default, but the few crínnafey and even jézinfey who align themselves with the Courtless are some of the most dangerous creatures in the entire Feywild.

    Common Taboos

    The fey take great offense to any mortals caught writing in the Feywild, as fixing down information and potentially removing it from their realms is tantamount to spiritual and arcane theft. Most mortals who cross this taboo are either killed on the spot or marked for destruction by a powerful fey force like the Wild Hunt. A relatively lucky few become the Fools of the Fey, bound servants to the Archfey Regnants who are cursed to lose all information they write down.   While fey spirits typically experience an endless cycle of rebirth, two things are known to destroy a fey outright: being scattered at the decree of an archfey, or being killed with a weapon of cold iron. Thus, fey take ultimate offense to anyone carrying a cold iron weapon in their presence.

    Historical figures

    Summer Court

    Winter Court

    Spring Court

    Autumn Court


    Gender Ideals

    Gender is exceptionally fluid for the fey, and only nominally conforms to expectations from the Material Plane. Some species change gender at will, or present as entirely male or entirely female in most or all situations. Others simply do not subscribe to the concept.


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