Vignión Settlement in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Vignión is a town in County Wildewand, in the Southern Duchy of the Dreibach Empire. It is the epicenter of an abundant agricultural region best known for producing soft cheeses and sparkling wines.


The population of Vignión is split approximately 50/50 between human and halfling residents. Many in the southern Halfling clans believe it to be the birthplace of the halfling race, though this is impossible to confirm.


The Count of County Wildewand, Hawkes Blürger VI, retained his rule during the Glorious Revolution due to Vignión's relative neutrality during the conflict. His official position is that he is serving as a guardian of the position until the next generation, and will turn the position into an elected Lord Mayorship once his son Hawkes VII is old enough to run for the position. Vigniónites are largely ambivalent towards local government, as taxation and compulsory conscription have largely remained low in the sparsely populated Southern Duchy.

Guilds and Factions

The Glamourists of Wildewand are an arcane guild headquartered in Vignión's historic mage tower. The illusionists of the guild largely focus on artistic and entertainment-related uses of illusion magic; many of the drag artists of Cantonova cite the Glamourists as either an inspiration or a direct source of mentorship.

Points of interest

Precipice Mill sits at the highest point of Vignión. In times of peace, it serves as the town's mill, grinding much of the region's wheat and corn; when the town is in danger, though, it has historically been lit as a beacon to call for aid from the surrounding villages.
Scenic vineyards of Vignión.

Precipice Mill, built on the highest point in Vignión.

Vignión Mage Tower, a traditional hub for illusionists.

Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
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