Cabiron Character in Orbido | World Anvil
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Cabiron (a.k.a. "Cab")

"Keep calm and watch the view."
Words Cabiron wishes others lived by.
  Conductor and guard assigned to a Caravan Mega-Wagon making the rounds in the northwestern paths of the Verdant Steppes. Likes to enjoy nature and watch better fighters than him slaughter whatever monsters dare to attack his Little Prick.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

While his strength is below average by Legion standard, Cabiron isn't unhealthy and can remain active for long periods when he isn't driving his wagon. His aptitude with weapons remains lethal especially from his being accustomed to shot and slash anything that dares threaten his cart when the other guards aren't enough.

Identifying Characteristics

A few scars on his lower body and fore-arms. Big bone spur in the middle of his forehead accentuates his thick brown eyebrows.

Personality Characteristics


Do his job, enjoy the job, get paid for the job, improve the job with his pay, sleep it off. Rince and repeat until the title of King of the caravans is achieved. Cabiron is satisfied with his current assignement and doesn't ask much else. He has no interest in the stories of whoever or whatever he ferries between the cities, having grown to appreciate his vehicle and the land it visits no matter how many times he has done so.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Completely devoid of curiosity which may unnerve his colleagues and passengers.
True neutral
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Brown, downturned
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale ocre
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Quiet in there!"
"He's my dear Little Prick."
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization

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