Little Prick Vehicle in Orbido | World Anvil
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Little Prick

"All aboard the Little Prick. If you shut your trap and stay put, you may get to see good things."
An Imperial Caravan guard advising kids to keep quiet on their journey.
  A specific Caravan Mega-Wagon regularly seen transporting goods and people between Edessalia and Makarith, to then continue eastwards to the Lunts mountain range.   Named "Little Prick" because of a piece of coarse wood on its doors that occasionaly stabbed a passenger or two. The wood was replaced, but the name stuck.
Little Prick
Creation Date
Owning Organization
Current location
Complement / Crew
1 to 2 drivers
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
8 to 40 passengers depending on available room.

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