Caravan Mega-Wagon Vehicle in Orbido | World Anvil
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Caravan Mega-Wagon

"People feel safer behind walls what with all the monsters, that's a given. So people got the idea to take the walls with us."
A caravan guard about the huge vehicule
  Mega-Wagons are very heavy carts with thick walls and wheels made of rock. They transport supplies, passengers or specimens without issues.. Used first in the Demon Empire then in the rest of the world after the Conquest to connect cities more safely. They are designed to resist the attacks of all sorts monsters and do not get upturned easily.   Escorted by Caravan Guards, they move slowly alongside the road and necessitate a properly flat terrain and a large area to manoeuver. This means people adept in Earth Magic are sought out as drivers, able to shape the land whenever an obstacle or a hole gets in the way.
The Box
4 metres
6 metres
3 metres to 5 metres
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
10 passenger to 20 passengers, 2 coachmen.

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