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Dambarth Oakear

A lonesome Ranger that strive through Lemotion since he left his mother Ismira Oakear and the kingdom of Elfmonia behind him.


He was heir to the throne but after the death of his father, Dambirth Oakear, he fled because the responsiblity was too much for him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • He grow up in the palace of Amera
  • He trained with his father loyal guard Demgardon
  • 1374 (15 years old) Death of his father Dambirth Oakear and dissapperance of Demgardon
  • 1376 (17 years old) Set out to discover the world and leave the prison of a home behind him
  • He met the ranger Lurz who teached him the ways of a ranger to survive in the wilderness
  • Lurz died in a bridge accident on one of their adventures. They were on they to a Trolls camp where he found his new companion Tapsi .
  • After his match up with the Adventurers he nearly died and The Grim Reaper offered him a deal, aslong as he would send him an innocent soul every week he could keep alive, his power and strength would decrease rapidly after one week without a soul
  • Personality Characteristics


    He wants to find out what happened to his father Dambirth Oakear and his former trainer Demgardon


    Contacts & Relations

    Tapsi is his best friend and he couldn't stand the loss of him.

    Family Ties

    Mostly broke with his mother, before her death there was a new relationship building but she died too soon

    Religious Views

  • Lurz introduced him to the ranger cult of the Vikanian Rangers
  • His preferred godess is Freya
  • Species
    Year of Birth
    1359 SY 33 Years old
    Aligned Organization
    Other Affiliations

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